Another card to giveaway. I’ll be winding these down soon. Mostly because I’m running out of cards for the giveaway, but partly it’s very discouraging to keep getting downvotes when I’m posting these.
This card is one I would have used for the backbone of any deck I was putting together. It also could have been one to combine with others and make it stronger. Sadly, I just don’t have the desire to play.
Typical giveway. Make a comment. After seven days I’ll run the comments through an online app to pick the winner. Good luck to all participants.
Thanks to the many
Other participants: @flummi97, @henruc, @outwars, @hatdogsensei, @seeweed, @gregory-f, @pesigolovec, @jmehta, @highhaschdi, @alexis666, @logen9f, @oskarl21, @middle-earthling, @diochen, @mordikkio, @olaf.gui, @beelzael,