Wings and craft beer Saturday

in BEER4 days ago


What better way to spend a Saturday than sharing a good beer with great friends?

This time, we decided to visit Hot Wings Sport Bar in Laureles, a spot inspired by American sports culture. But we were here for two things: beer and wings 🤤

The beer menu is quite extensive. They have a great selection of craft beers, which is always a plus for me since I love trying new flavors and combinations.

We tried a local IPA with citrus notes, a Red Ale with a malty, caramelized taste, and of course, some local classics like the ever-reliable Club Colombia. The craft beers were fresh, well-served, and had the perfect body to pair with what was coming next: the wings.

Honey mustard wings are always my favorite—the balance between sweet and tangy makes it impossible to stop at just one. Then came the garlic parmesan wingscreamy, bold, crispy on the outside, and juicy inside.

Why do beer and wings make such a perfect combination? I have no idea, but I might just take on the challenge of finding out 😂.

How was your Saturday? Let me know in the comments! ✨


¿Qué mejor manera de disfrutar de un sábado qué compartiendo una buena cerveza junto a unos buenos amigos? En esta oportunidad decidimos visitar Hot Wings Sport Bar en Laureles un lugar inspirado en la cultura deportiva estadounidense. Pero aquí vinimos por dos cosas: cerveza y alitas 🤤

La carta de cervezas es bastante amplia. Tienen una buena selección de artesanales, lo que siempre es un plus para mi ya que me encanta probar nuevos sabores y combinaciones. Probamos una IPA local con notas cítricas, y una Red Ale más maltosa y caramelizada, también algunas locales como la popular Club Colombia que nunca decepciona. Las artesanales estaban frescas, bien servidas y con el cuerpo ideal para acompañar lo que venía después: las alitas.

Las de miel mostaza siempre son mis preferidas, ese balance entre lo dulce y lo ácido hace que no puedas comer solo una. Y luego las de ajo y parmesano… cremosas e intensas, crujientes por fuera y jugosas por dentro. ¿Por qué las alitas y las cervezas harán tan buena combinación? No lo sé, pero creo aceptaré el reto de averiguarlo 😂 ¿Qué tal estuvo su sábado? Los leo en los comentarios ✨


  • Translation: DeepL translate
  • Diseño/Design: Por mí utilizando CANVA/By myself using CANVA
  • Video/Photography: Por mí /By myself
  • English is not my native language, I apologize for possible errors in the translation.



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"Todo es creado dos veces, primero en la mente y luego en la realidad " Robin Sharma.

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exactly what I'll order on a Saturday, wash it down with a bottle of fine beer

Nice place!


The freshly crafted beers and the garlic parmesan, with good friends are very much perfect combination. With every clinking of glasses, your connection strengthens your friendship.

I also love wings and craft beer, and Hot Wings Sport Bar looks ideal. Being so much interested on IPAs with citrus notes, the one you tried appeals to me. Honey mustard wings are another favourite of mine, therefore I absolutely understand why you could not stop at just one. It's wonderful that you are always ready to attempt new things; I'm sure you will discover why wings and beer go together so well. Thanks so much for giving your Saturday tour! 🍻🍗✨