Language learning Journey (Pt 1) Duolingo Vs Busuu

in Proof of Brain9 months ago


In our today's world, learning a new language has become so accessible thanks to language learning app like Duolingo and Busuu. Both of these platformer has gained much popularity for users who are seeking to learn a new language. I've also been using both apps for my Spanish language learning and I'll share my experience on both apps.

Choosing between these two apps have got me and other users on crossroads, therefore in this post I will give a detailed comparison between Busuu and Duolingo, I'll shed more light on the features of both apps, their effectiveness, and user experience.

Approach in Learning

Offers a gamified approach towards learning. Learning on Duolingo feels like playing a game while learning a language. It uses a mix of listening, translation and speaking exercises. Duolingo is designed to be fun and engaging, though I feel it lacks depth in Grammer explanationsBusuu has a more structured approach towards learning a language. It's lessons are comprehensive and it covers grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. One fun thing I love about Duolingo is that it offers a community interaction where you get to communicate with native speakers and get corrected for your exercises, this offers a more natural approach, because you know it's real life language (spanish for me) that you're learning.
Duolingo gamified lessons There are also fun stories to practice with
Busuu language comprehension exercise Busuu community of friends and native speakers

Course content

Duolingo offers these list of popular languages Spanish, french, Japanese, Korean, German, Hindi, Italian, Chinese and more, over 40 languages. Duolingo divides its lessons into topics, and as you complete each exercise you progress though levels Just like in a game. But sometimes the content can be repetitiveBusuu is very similar in this aspect, it also provides multiple languages courses, though fewer than Duolingo but it has more focus on practical conversation skills. There you see real humans pronouncing the words and speaking out for you and using real life scenarios.

Screenshot_20240104-021703.png Duolingo course content like a game

Busuu natural learning style It is relevant for everyday and in real life

Community interaction

Though Duolingo has a wide user base, it's community interaction is merely limited to streaks and leaderboards.Unlike Duolingo, busuu has a community of native speakers who provide personalized feedback on exercises.
This was my exercise on busuu I got corrected by real native speakers

Both apps offers freemium model which means you can be learning the language absolutely free. However to unlock more features you can choose to go for the premium subscription, by paying monthly or yearly.


In conclusion, I would say I prefer Busuu because it helps me to engage my brain and think what the answer to the quiz will be, also it's lessons are great and gets you engaged, but on Duolingo I can literally guess what the answer will be, it's so simple to use. But you might have a different preference so I invite you to explore both apps on your own and see which one suits you best.

See you next time 🤗 🌟

Cover image designed by me on Pixelab. Screenshots were taken from the apps on my phone

My intro post



Muy interesante la comparación que haces entre ambas apps. Acá en Venezuela es muy popular Duolingo para el aprendizaje del inglés y nunca - hasta hoy en tu post - habia escuchado hablar de Busuu. Te deseo éxito en el aprendizaje del español. Gracias por compartir. Mil bendiciones.

The comparison you make between both apps is very interesting. Here in Venezuela Duolingo is very popular for learning English and I had never - until today in your post - heard of Busuu. I wish you success in learning Spanish. Thanks for sharing. A thousand blessings.

I'm happy you have come to know busuu from my post, you should try it, you'll love the experience 🤗

Un post muy interesante. Acá en Venezuela es muy popular la app Duolingo para el aprendizaje del inglés pero nunca había escuchado hablar de Busuu. Me pareció muy importante lo que hiciste y la dedicación y esmero cómo muestras las características de cada plataforma y las comparas y aunque al final dices que cada quien verá cual de las dos le parece mejor para el aprendizaje, tal vez sería bueno (si el tiempo nos alcanza) utilizar ambas plataformas como lo haces tú. Bueno... acá estoy yo hablando español y tratando de aprender ingles y tú por allá hablando inglés y tratando de aprender español. Gracias por compartir.

A very interesting post. Here in Venezuela the Duolingo app for learning English is very popular but I had never heard of Busuu. What you did seemed very important to me and the dedication and care how you show the characteristics of each platform and compare them and although in the end you say that each person will see which of the two seems better for learning, perhaps it would be good (if time It is enough for us) to use both platforms as you do. Well... here I am speaking Spanish and trying to learn English and you over there speaking English and trying to learn Spanish.Thanks for sharing