La comida del fantasma / The ghost's food

in GEMS11 months ago

Una fruta extraña,
es arrastrada por un fantasma,
yo no sabía que así se alimentaban,
los espectros que por hay andan.

Ahí va andando con su fruta,
con cuidado, sin premura
no tiene afán, el tiempo no preocupa,
llegará a tiempo para cenar sin amargura.

A strange fruit,
is dragged by a ghost,
I didn't know that's how they fed,
the ghosts that wander around.

There it goes, walking with its fruit,
with care, without haste
she's not anxious, time doesn't worry,
it will arrive in time to dine without bitterness.


A veces ocurren imprevistos
y la fruta se enrredo en el piso,
no podía moverse, quedó prendida sin motivo
y el fantasma se enfado muchísimo.

Se subió sobre la fruta
y con su peso la aplastó de una,
quedó como puré con la cáscara dura,
una comida aplastada, sin forma alguna.

Sometimes unforeseen events occur
and the fruit got tangled on the floor,
couldn't move, got stuck for no reason.
and the ghost got very angry.

He climbed on top of the fruit
and crushed it with his weight,
it was left as a puree with a hard shell,
a squashed food, without any form whatsoever.


La comida del fantasma está aplastada,
¿que hará con esta situación rara?
A este ser no le preocupa nada
y va en busca de una solución inmediata.

Los trozos de fruta con cuidado alza,
con una cuchara parda,
la lleva para su casa,
es su cena, no la dejara abandonada,
aunque este aplastada.

The ghost's food is squashed,
What will it do with this strange situation?
This being does not care about anything
and goes in search of an immediate solution.

It carefully lifts the pieces of fruit,
with a brown spoon,
takes it home,
it is his dinner, he will not leave it abandoned,
even if it is crushed.



Stopmotion y cuento original de Margarita Palomino.
Colombia, mayo del 2024


@tipu curate 👍🏾


Welcome my friend 🤝🏾

It looks funny. 😅 @marpa

Je je... thanks

Welcome. 😊 @marpa