Life's a bitch sometimes

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago


I woke feeling groggy, so I quickly put the kettle on and filled my small Moka pot with one spoon of coffee. Heavy-headedly, I sat down to browse my blog feed, knowing that the 'elixir of life' would soon clear my brain fog and fuel my energy.
Struggling to focus, my ears tuned in to the silence in the room. My kettle had not whistled, nor was the water simmering.

Upon inspection, it turned out that my cooking gas had run out, so I turned the knob off and checked the gauge on the cylinder.

Two bloody cylinders were empty.

I felt my eyes pulsing rapidly as my brain sensed the despair of two empty gas cylinders, a kettle of cold water, and a Moka pot filled with coffee waiting to be brewed.

Trying to think on my feet, I regretted that my wood burner was not lit, and it would take ages before I got the kettle going had I decided to start a fire. Plus, it was too warm on the boat for a fire anyway, so I went to the cooking gas storage on the marina.

Further disappointment sank in when I noticed that all the cylinders in reserve were 13 kg, and there were no 6 kg cylinders in stock. So I popped into the office, and the clerk promised to arrange with the gas company for an urgent delivery.

There was no approximate time for the delivery, but it didn't matter because, without coffee, nothing is soon enough.

Then came a downpour of rain, so I returned to my boat.

There's no conversation before coffee in my mornings.

I felt agitated and ravenous, like a hungry wolf needing coffee, but I couldn't push myself to knock on my neighbour's door to beg for hot water, because that would require "good morning" and a little chatter, which was just too much.

Incapable of thinking straight, with my system on the verge of collapse, I crawled back to bed to save mankind.

The office called at 4 p.m. with the good news that the gas company had delivered my gas, so I hurried to collect the full cylinders.


I then started my day with a cup of black coffee and a late breakfast as dinner. My demeanour changed with coffee in my system, and I smiled and waved at neighbours and passersby in a friendly, civil manner.


I'm a lover of great bread, but my newest obsession is having tortilla wraps for breakfast. I've been experimenting with various fillings and mixing things up daily, all of which have been healthy, fresh, and finger-licking-good.


What's inside?


Tomatoes, beetroot, onions, rocket, baby spinach, eggs, and mature cheddar cheese.


I alternate the kind of cheese, and sometimes I use feta or blue cheese, which gives it a nice bite.


I added these blood oranges with banana slices, which kicked off my day at 5 p.m.
All this, along with the strong black coffee at the odd hour of the evening, had me awake until 3 a.m. However, I've been back on a regular sleeping and eating schedule, and I've started a log for my cooking gas.

Now that I know just how small the cylinders are, I'll do the responsible thing of replacing the empty one immediately.

Have you had a coffee-lacking-horror recently that you care to share?

All the images were taken by me.

What gets me the fuck out of bed?
“Nature, the outdoors, art, and culture are all essential to my well-being; my soul is nurtured through fitness, photography, meditation, and mindfulness, all of which bring enjoyment to my daily life. I see environmental stewardship as my responsibility and enjoy using herbs and spices for cooking and also for natural remedies. Cinnamon is one of my favourite spices, and I occasionally sprinkle it on my coffee.

My blog frequently features my minimalist lifestyle and adventures while living on my narrowboat.”

Irie love,



blood oranges look superb, not saying about the matured cheese!

In the spring, my wife and I feel a terribly lack of vitamins in the blood, and therefore, in recent months, every week we have been buying a couple of kilograms of grapefruits, they are now wonderful - juicy, easy to peel (unlike oranges), starting the day with 1/2 of a huge grapefruit is a great pleasure.. .and a good kick in the ass for a sleepy body :)

in our summer house we use electricity for cooking, but experience blackouts pretty frequently... for these black days, my wife obtained a spare gas mini system (a piece of camping equipment), -- we already tried it a couple of times last summer ( checked how it works with brewing coffee, ofc :)

By the way, there might be a good topic for a challenge: emergency coffee.
A while ago I dropped in the discord channel an idea for another prom: your favorite book quotes about coffee. (but didn’t receive an answer, you probably didn’t notice). what do you think?

Hehe! When the gas finished, I visualised having superpowers to wave a magic wand and make camping gear of some sort appear before my eyes... this one looks perfect.

Yes, the blood oranges were amazingly sweetlike plums. I love grapefruit and they are indeed excellent for a detox, which makes you feel energetic.

There might be a good topic for a challenge: emergency coffee.

That's a brilliant idea.💯

A while ago I dropped in the discord channel an idea for another prom: your favourite book quotes about coffee. (but didn’t receive an answer, you probably didn’t notice). what do you think?

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 12.55.28.png

👆Was it this one? I have it scheduled for June. I schedule prompts months ahead, so it's in the pipeline.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 12.58.25.png

I did respond to clarify but I didn't tag you 😜

Was it this one? I have it scheduled for June. I schedule prompts months ahead, so it's in the pipeline.

it was it. great! I had one in my head for months, tho it is not about coffee actually. 🤓well, lets see when the time will come. I am being late most of the time :P still want / plan to write a blog about 'spilled coffee' (one day).

Let me treat you with !PIZZA, as always. Have a great day, Milly 🙏

Thank you Qwerrie! You could drop me the prompts whenever they pop up in your head.

Thanks for the pizza 😋

Have a great weekend 😊☕️🤗

Uh what a morning 😯 we are so addicted to all the comfort around us, water, heat, food, coffee at a Fingertipp

My fascinating coffee experience was some months ago. For homeopathic reasons I was supposed to stop drinking coffeine...
😅 She asked is coffeine free coffee a problem for you?
Me: " No No, No problem"
😂 Haha ... because what followed have been two days with huge headaches and eyes who didnt want to open up in the morning

After a week all went back to normal and I kept the free alternative because it feels right and in the taste I see no difference

You're so right. Take away our normal comforts and it's panic wondering what's next... is the world coming to an end?

It's interesting to hear about the caffeine-free coffee for your treatment, but I understand all too well the symptoms you experienced. I've been keen on homoeopathy, but it's hard to find someone reputable in all cities in the UK.
It's good that your body has adjusted to the alternative, as in the end, health is the number one priority.
Thanks for popping by, and I wish you a great day :)))

You stayed in bed all day till 4pm ? I would have been starving. In fact I woke up at 7.30 this morning cause I was hungry and I had a full meal last night

Haha! Hunger rarely keeps me awake. I always say if I don't have food, then I must sleep, cos my brain won't feel the hunger then 😆
However, I do get the odd feeling of eating a big meal at night and waking up hungry. It just doesn't make sense 😂

It's a terrible thing I don't want to experience. Gladly, we never ran out of gas here in HK..
But in the Philippines, we use woods when we ran out of gas.. we also have a big hot water vacuum for saving boiled water so we don't need to boil water whenever we want some hot cup of coffee or tea.. that saves time and resources as well.. 😊

We also have a big hot water vacuum for saving boiled water

Ah, you mean the water dispenser with hot water? I remember those from the Philippines. It's just that on the boat, we tend to only use manual appliances. What I'll do is get some camping gear for emergencies 😁

Sheesh, I'd go back to bed too! 😮 Before coffee- NOTHING!

Maybe a bit of danger for those who expect my sunny nature on a decaf brain

It looks like you had a proper start to the day after the gas arrived though, so maybe fate just wanted you to sleep in haha! The blood oranges look FAB btw, and so does the wrap! Beetroot is way underrated. 💗🤗☕️

Maybe a bit of danger for those who expect my sunny nature on a decaf brain

I get that too, and that's why I thought it was best to close my curtains and cancel my morning. My neighbours are accustomed to me being chirpy, and I don't think they would comprehend the change😂

The blood orange was as sweet as a plum and I'd buy more, and the wraps are divine😋
Hubby and I feel the same about beetroot😍❤️

Sometimes life has its plans to put everything against you, it's just one of those days haha. I had one just a few days ago. I was so busy being on the run, I couldn't even stop to either buy or prep some coffee at home. It's been quite a while since I last had to give coffee a break because of work or responsibilities.

I always have one cup of coffee a day, if not coffee, then tea at least. But that day was a bit too hectic. So, after getting back home I just went straight to bed lol.

If not coffee, then tea at least

I get that, and it sucks when no hot water is the problem 😂

Sometimes going back to bed is the best choice😂

Sometimes the lack of coffee or cream as well. I faced this issue last week, had to opt for milk tea instead. 😬

I can see that happening. Luckily, I take my coffee black because I rarely ever have milk on the boat, and sugar is just not my friend 😏

I have black coffee quite rarely, my mother loves black coffee though. And for sugar, I need a teensy weensy bit. 😂


Haha! Just a little bit, eh?




oh, no! Having to wait for coffee is a horrible thing! 🙀 I can also fully understand not wanting to talk to a neighbor in your pre-caffeinated state! 😜

I know your storage space is severely limited on the narrowboat, and I'm not sure what your electrical situation is like... but, having an electric water kettle in reserve might not be a bad idea. Maybe it could be stored in the hold (below deck) along with tools and other things that are only occasionally used. The one I have is a BODUM® brand, and it will heat a full kettle of water to boiling in only 3 or 4 minutes, tops. The one I have is in the pic, and it's so old I don't even see that style on their website. 😂 But, it still works great! And here's to hoping you never have another morning without the sweet kiss of coffee!

That's an attractive kettle. We are ok with the power supply on the marina since we get to plug into the main. However, when we're cruising, it will be different, and we do not use any electrical appliances then.
I think having some camping gear for backup is a good choice. We have a Bodum manual coffee maker in storage, but it's glass and inconvenient for the boat, so we have left it there. The original broke and it was already replaced:)))

My demeanour changed with coffee in my system, and I smiled and waved at neighbours and passersby in a friendly, civil manner.

I totally get this. Coffee can indeed make me happy.

Gas cylinders running out while baking is my greatest nightmare since we have electric cooker for everything else.

Gas cylinders running out while baking

My gosh! What a disaster that would be, heh?
It's great to have a backup for whatever kind of system we have. This misfortune was a great reminder:)))

Phew! What a day! It must have been scary finding yourself in the midst of what you need to kick-start the day and what life decides to bring in.

good morning" and a little chatter...

Yeah, I know. This feels like too much of a work because it truly is. I have experienced my gas running out so much that I have learned from it. It is a very bad and annoying stuff to take place.

I do like the yummy view of the food and everything inside it just calls my name, and I don't find it strange at all😂.

Cooking gas running out is never pleasant and unfortunately, it tends to happen at the most inconvenient time.

The wraps are delicious and it's a great way to utilise whatever left-overs you might have in your fridge and cupboard:)

It is bever pleasant ooo. Haha. That's right. Wrong timing.

Hehe, roger that .


You're right, it's important to take care of those utility details like gas 🥴...I hope it doesn't catch you off guard again.
How nice to enjoy a coffee ☕ at any time of the day 😜...even if it doesn't let you sleep afterwards 🤭🤭....
Hope you have a great weekend. A hug.

!discovery 45

Even if it doesn't let you sleep afterwards 🤭🤭...


No, I won't be caught off guard again., because the pain is too strong🥴

Have a nice Friday into the weekend:)))

Oh nooooo. The day doesn't begin without coffee. I guess you probably can't store too many gas cylinders on the boat either. That seems like it would be a hazzard? Lucky that the office got more in so quickly.

Beet root in the wrap, that's a smart idea. I need to try that.

I was in Jamaica when hubby changed the last gas cylinder, and I didn't realise that the cylinders were only 6kg and not the usual 13 Kg that I'm used to. I was keeping tabs on the time but my time was based on how long the 13 kg normally lasts.
Two tanks of 13 kg are sufficient even when cruising, but with these 6kg bottles, I'll need to be more vigilant. There's a proper storage area for them on the stern deck, and I wouldn't want to keep extra cylinders on the deck for safety and space concerns.

I think this happened at the perfect time and serves as a good lesson because it could have been a real challenge if we were cruising along the canal and pulled into a marina that didn't have the size cylinder to exchange with us:)))

I see. So maybe for the best that it happened now. Just a temporary inconvenience/setback

Yeah, exactly!
Btw, beetroot here is so cheap. I pay .59 pence for 4 precooked ones from Lidl. I thing that's a great price. I remember paying a fortune for beetroot when I was in the Philippines, from the International store.

Yeah that definitely seems very reasonable. I don't buy a lot of it here so I don't know what it costs. I'd guess a lot more though. Produce is stupidly expensive in Canada

I find it strange how cheap produce is here in the UK at supermarkets like Lidl, where I shop mainly:)

Urgh mornings without coffee? No go for me! Think I'd probably just run to some cafe nearby or something. An effort, but anything for coffee. I reckon crawling back into bed was the right thing to do.

PS: Damn, that looks delicious!

Think I'd probably just run to some cafe nearby or something.

I thought to myself that hubby would have gone to the nearest cafe, but I didn't want to interact with anyone that early at all. I just wasn't in the mood that morning 😅

Yeah, the wraps are awesome. This morning we had mushrooms, eggs, cheese, and mixed salad, which was also great:)))

Hahaha :)) ... What a way to start the day!.... Fortunately it all ended up in those "tortilla wraps" which look delicious and very well photographed!!!!.... :)) Thanks for sharing!....

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Thank you, much appreciated:)

@millycf1976! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (3/5)

Hehe! Thank you @jlinaresp. I was pleased with how the light hit the wrap and the angle of the image too.
I'll be on top of my cooking gas to ensure there's no repeat because, without coffee, my day is bleak:)

Hahaha... I know how that happens... When my wife wakes up and hasn't had coffee yet it's "dangerous to even greet her"... hahaha :)) So I leave her a cup of hot coffee from a "safe distance" and she drinks it and he returns to being "that sweet person he always is".... I also drink coffee first thing in the morning, but I can also substitute it with peppermint, mint, rosemary or other infusions... I even use papaya juice. .. Then my wife sees me do that and says: "You're a damn crazy person, I don't understand how you can drink those things before having coffee"... hahaha :))


"Dangerous to even greet her"

🤣 I felt that!

So I leave her a cup of hot coffee from a "safe distance" and she drinks it and he returns to being "that sweet person he always is"

This sounds like something hubby would say😆

peppermint, mint, rosemary or other infusions

I like these teas and infusions, just NOT as a substitute for coffee, especially first thing in the morning 😅

The disappointment and the upsetting situation is just too much, so early in the morning. And it's problem after peoblem, it's good thing the company is fast to act too, especially those who deliver it. At least your cravings for goodness of coffee finally satisfied ✨✨🤭.


So early in the morning.

Yeah, and it was strange for me to wake up feeling so heavy and unsettled anyway.

I was pleased that the company was fast too, and it saved me having to arrange transportation to purchase it myself:)))

Quite an odyssey as soon as you woke up, but in the end you managed to take the coffee so desired during the mornings, I understand you, coffee changes it bad panoramas, by the way, everything looks very delicious!✨

Hello @ladylein
Spot on.💯 You've said that so well.
Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the rest of your day:))

Finally, you managed to get a cup of coffee at dinner time. I'm wondering must be cold on the boat this season. Here in Norway under 10C. need coffee or tea as soon as come out of bed. Greetings Milly

The weather has been warming up here in the UK, fluctuating between 11°C - 13°C. It's nothing like you would expect at the ending of April though, and yes, we need something warm upon rising 😆
Enjoy the rest of Friday and have a great weekend ahead:)

Have a nice weekend you too dear.:)


I wonder where you are.

And I'm fine with you setting your boundaries like: no chatting before coffee. 😅 Cool.

Well... nothing, it all worked out because you decided to save humanity by going back to bed. 😁

That late breakfast you made yourself looks great.

Hey @nanixxx

I am doing ok, just been super busy. Luckily those wraps for breakfast give me lots of energy. I like mixing them up every morning.
Enjoy the rest of Sunday and have a great week ahead:)))

Ah, right. That's good to know. Have a great start to the week and get back to posting on Hive hahaha....

😍 Yes, I will be back soon 😊

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

THank you ewkaw and the @qurator team.
Have a great day ahead:)))

My grandfather says that a good cup of coffee lifts a dying person.
I love your breakfast @millycf1976 and your cup of coffee looks revitalizing
Great that gas tubes are available

A good cup of coffee lifts a dying person.

I like that!💯

I came alive when I got coffee.
Have a lovely day!

You have such healthy food with a variety of simple real foods. I'd say it wasn't a bad day :D

Haha! Yeah, coffee and the lovely meal salvaged the day.

Thanks for stopping by:)

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Thank you so much, as always @teamuksupport :)))


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My dog chewed a hole in my shirt
We have the same taste in clothes.

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That tortilla wraps looks so yummy and healthy😋

Thanks 😊

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