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RE: Visiting a disaster zone (Paiporta): Small gestures help

in Worldmappinlast month

Oh my, tears came to my eyes... ;( Terrible tragedy, our son lives in Valencia but his area was not affected!

There in Alfafar, a very good friend of ours was rescued from the roof of his car after several hours of waiting for help. The house he lived in Catarroja... all his things are gone.


It was a great tragedy. I was shocked to visit the area three months later and see all the needs they still have.

And the aid to rebuild the lives of the victims is being handled very slowly. Very typical of Spain.

In the bar I was in they told me that the help of the volunteers was the most exciting thing and how people from many places arrive there and thank us for spending money in the few shops that were not affected or that they have managed to rehabilitate.

I hope your friend can make it through this.