A fun afternoon looking for mushrooms [Esp/Eng].

in FungiFriday6 months ago
Como están pasando los seguidores de esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Muy feliz de regresar a este genial lugar, para enseñarles algunas hermosas tomas que hemos hecho en el predio que esta a unas cuadras de mi casa, es allí donde vamos cuando necesitamos fotografías para nuestros posts

Source: Family Álbum

How are the followers of this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨ spending:  Very happy to return to this great place, to show you some beautiful shots that we have taken on the property that is a few blocks from my house, that is where we go when we need photographs for our posts

El martes por la tarde aprovechamos que mi abuelo termino temprano con sus compromisos para ir a la reserva en busca de fotografías para nuestros post, se aproximaba el día de publicar nuestras caminatas y necesitábamos imágenes del entono en donde caminamos para compartir con todos ustedes, mientras mi abuelo caminaba y hacia sus tomas, con mi abuela estábamos a la expectativas de hallar hongos

On Tuesday afternoon we took advantage of the fact that my grandfather finished his commitments early to go to the reserve in search of photographs for our posts. The day of publishing our walks was approaching and we needed images of the environment where we walked to share with all of you. While my grandfather walked and took his photos, my grandmother and I were looking forward to finding mushrooms.

Source: Family Álbum

En uno de los tantos senderos que tiene el lugar hallamos un árbol de ¨ceibo¨, que en la superficie del tronco en la parte de abajo había un hongo conocido con el nombre ¨Auricularia auricula-judae¨:  esta es una de esas especies que crecen en las cortezas de los árboles, y al parecer la corteza del ¨ceibo¨ es de su agrado dado que las mayoría de las veces vemos a los ¨hongos¨¨orejas¨ prendido de su madera

On one of the many paths in the place we found a "ceibo" tree, which on the surface of the trunk at the bottom there was a fungus known by the name ¨Auricularia auricula-judae¨:  this is one of those species that grow on the bark of trees, and it seems that the bark of the ¨ceibo¨ is to its liking since most of the time we see the ¨fungi¨¨ears¨ clinging to its wood

Source: Family Álbum

Al parecer en esta ocasión era el día de hallar hongos que crecen en las cortezas, dado que la segunda variedad que encontramos también crecen en las cortezas de troncos y ramas de árboles, se trata de uno conocido con el nombre ¨ Junghuhnia¨:  un tipo de hongo que se presenta en maderas que se están descomponiendo

Apparently this time it was the day to find mushrooms that grow on bark, since the second variety we found also grows on the bark of tree trunks and branches, it is one known by the name ¨ Junghuhnia¨:  a type of fungus that appears in wood that is decomposing

Source: Family Álbum

Esta ha sido otra semana genial para buscar hongos, dado que la reserva siempre tiene algún tipo de hongos esperando por nosotros, y que podamos fotografiar para acompañar a @ewkaw en su maravilloso ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   Todas estas fotografías las tomo mi abuela con su ¨teléfono¨móvil ¨Motoe7plus¨.

This has been another great week of mushroom hunting, as the reserve always has some kind of mushroom waiting for us, and that we can photograph to accompany @ewkaw in her wonderful ¨FungiFridayContest¨:   All these pictures were taken by my grandmother with her mobile phone ¨Motoe7plus¨.


Source: Family Álbum


Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much scroogergotchiheroes.com @qurator
have a lovely day

I really enjoy walking through this reserve, especially when we find beautiful mushrooms like these
What a great find, congratulations

I also really enjoy being here, I love nature, I am fascinated by mushrooms.

Thank you very much @bhattg

You are welcome 🤗

A veces veo formas y figuras en los hongos que traes, en este caso veo medusas jajaja, hermosas formas!! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

Es verdad, las diferentes formas de los hongos nos motiva a pensar a que se parecen
Muchas gracias a ti @avdesing


Oh wow those mushrooms are so cool looking. I have never seen such a thing. I wonder if they are edible.

Thanks for sharing this @miprimerconcurso. I wish you a wonderful weekend.😊

Hello lady @carolynstahl good day
the ear mushrooms are very striking and beautiful, and the best of all is that they are edible
Thank you very much, enjoy the weekend

I hope you eat them😊