One of the things I love to grow at home is onions because they are not only easy to grow but also do not require much effort to care for Preparing the seedlings is a very important step to ensure a good harvest and I think that anyone interested in homesteading should try growing them because they are not only useful but they also give a sense of accomplishment when you see them growing in front of you.
The first thing I do is choose the seeds or small bulbs and this is the best way to ensure that the plant will grow strong and healthy I like to plant the seedlings first in small trays filled with rich soil and I keep the soil moist but not too wet so that the roots can grow well After that when the seedlings grow a little I transfer them to the ground or to a larger pot and this is the stage where I feel the real joy of planting.
Onions are one of the plants that do not require complex care but they love the sun and good soil and that is why I always try to choose the right place for them Also watering onions should be moderate because if they take too much water the roots may rot and this is certainly not a good thing for any farmer.
I wish that people who love farming would start trying growing onions because it is one of the easiest and most beneficial crops In addition to being used in almost all foods growing it at home ensures that it is 100 clean and natural and this gives a nice feeling that you are eating something from the work of your hands Homesteading is not only about farming but also about selfsufficiency and feeling satisfied and growing onions is an excellent step in this journey.