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RE: Take It Out

in #life7 months ago

Ah, this reminded me of my childhood. No one even considered going to a dentist to have their milk teeth removed. It's either it falls off on its own, or parents tie a string around the tooth, tie the other end on a door handle, and slam it shut. And don't get me started on the tooth fairy. That was such a foreign concept to us that I don't think anyone my age got anything. Getting 100 for a tooth? Kids these days are too lucky.


That was my experience too. You wouldnt go to a dentist you would just worry away at the tooth to the point where it was spinning around and still wouldn't come out. What a relief when it did.

I think the world has gone bananas when it comes to expenditure on kids. I wouldn't do it but I am horrified that some see it as nothing unusual!

I guess that's what the media has been portraying and people just accept it as the norm. It doesn't help that people share it to other people that they know and there is some sort of peer pressure to do the same.

So how much is little boom getting for his two teeth? haha

He got five pounds in total! Thats not bad, 2.50 a tooth. He was well happy :OD

Haha that's awesome. 100 pounds was insane, even for two.

I thought so too. I can only imagine that they have cash floating around everywhere!