Te entiendo perfectamente, ya que el fin de semana, en una de nuestras salidas a trotar, nos encontramos con perrito abandonado con Zuni y sinceramente su mirada fue tan tierna, que no dudamos en asumir la responsabilidad y llevarlo a casa. Cuando haga el video, te mencionaré para que lo conozca.
Me parece genial, que les hayan dado su dosis de cariño.
Feliz día.
I understand you perfectly, since on the weekend, on one of our jogging outings, we found an abandoned puppy with Zuni and honestly his look was so tender, that we did not hesitate to take the responsibility and take him home. When I make the video, I'll mention you so he knows about it.
I think it's great, that you have given them their dose of affection.
Happy day.