World Nutella Day + Día Mundial de la Nutella [Eng+Spa]

It's February 5th, it's Monday. Today's registration post will be brief. I apologize a little for that, but I hope the content is enjoyable. Today there is not much to tell about my #life in particular, my brother and I are in better health, and it can be said that we have already recovered to a large extent. There is little more to tell.

Things being that way, I prefer to comment on today's anniversary for #History. It is a celebration that belongs to the area of #food, and more specifically to #desserts. A sweet spread, made from hazelnuts, was celebrated about 80 years ago by the Italian pastry chef Pietro Ferrero. It's 'World Nutella Day'.

Estamos a 5 de febrero, es lunes. El post de registro de hoy será breve. Me disculpo un poco por ello, pero espero que el contenido sea grato. Hoy no hay mucho que contar de mi #vida en particular, mi hermano y yo estamos mejor de salud, y se puede decir que ya nos recuperamos en gran medida. Poco más hay para contar.

Siendo las cosas de esa manera, prefiero pasar a comentar sobre la efeméride del día de hoy para la #Historia. Es una celebración que pertenece al área de la #comida, y más específicamente a los #postres. Se celebra una dulce pasta para untar, hecha a partir de avellanas, hace unos 80 años por el pastelero italiano Pietro Ferrero. Es el ‘Día Mundial de la Nutella’.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

The history of the celebration is relatively recent, although its creation was in the mid-40s of the last century. And percent, the idea of the celebration is also related to a person of Italian nationality, well, it is an Italian-American woman. At the beginning of this century, blogger Sara Rosso proposed to her followers to celebrate this delicacy on February 5 of each year.

Rosso enjoyed this #sweet hazelnut paste, and she wanted to share the taste of it with her readers. The proposal gained strength and rose to the point of becoming a global scale party. This was due not only to the dissemination of it through her blog, but also to the true fact that #Nutella is a well-known product in very different markets.

La historia de la celebración es relativamente reciente, a pesar de que su creación fue a mediados de los años 40 del siglo pasado. Y por ciento, la idea de la celebración tiene también relación con una persona de nacionalidad italiana, bueno, es una mujer Italo-Americana. A inicios de este siglo, la bloggera Sara Rosso, propuso a sus seguidores celebrar este manjar el día 5 de febrero de cada año.

Rosso disfrutaba de esta pasta #dulce de avellana, y quería compartir su gusto con sus lectores. La propuesta ganó fuerza y se elevó hasta el punto de pasar a ser una fiesta de escala mundial. Esto se debió no solamente a la difusión por medio de su blog, sino también al hecho cierto de que la #Nutella es un producto bien conocido en muy distintos mercados.


Sara Rosso
Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

In my particular case, I like #Nutella, but I haven't consumed it in a while. I have fond memories of it from when I was a child, and I even remember enjoying this candy until a few years ago. Currently, I haven't indulged in these little personal treats… I feel like changing that up a bit, and buying Nutella on my next shopping trip.

Well, I may decide in the end not to buy things out of budget, but I can give myself a little encouragement by thinking about buying it (personal smile). I better say goodbye, wishing you that you are well and that we can read each other again another time.

En mi caso particular, me gusta la #Nutella, pero tengo tiempo que no la consumo. Le guardo recuerdos agradables de cuando yo era niño, e incluso recuerdo haber disfrutado de este dulce hasta hace unos pocos años. En la actualidad, no me he dado estos pequeños gustos personales… Tengo ganas de cambiar un poco eso, y comprar Nutella en mi próxima salida de compras.

Bien, puede que me decida al final a no comprar cosas fuera de presupuesto, pero bien puedo darme un poco de ánimo pensando en comprarla (sonrisa personal). Mejor me voy despidiendo, deseándote que tú estés bien y que nos podamos leer de nuevo en otra oportunidad.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

This post, on the #blockchain #Hive, is in the We Are Alive Tribe community, it's part of the #IAmAliveChallenge

This challenge is an initiative of @flaxz
The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge, includes using the hashtag #alive to post to We Are Alive Tribe and earn ALIVE tokens.

Esta publicación, en la #blockchain #Hive, está en la comunidad We Are Alive Tribe, es parte del #IAmAliveChallenge

Este desafío es iniciativa de @flaxz
Los 4 puntos para unirte al #IAmAliveChallenge, incluyen el uso de la etiqueta #alive para publicar en We Are Alive Tribe y ganar tokens ALIVE.


Image's Source - Fuente de la Imagen

Visit Community We Are Alive Tribe, click Here


One blogger made Nutella popular worldwide!! That's impressive.

It's good to hear that both of you are in good health :)


Sometimes things are like the metaphor of the butterfly flapping its wings and unleashing a hurricane in another part of the world.

It seems that the proposal began as a joke, but it took on a life of its own and spread through social networks. As Nutella has a good number of fans of its flavor, it seems that Rosso's proposal was only the fuse that lit the entire process that led to it being declared a day of celebration.


@hafiz34! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ pedrobrito2004. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Thanks for additional commentary.


@pedrobrito2004! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ hafiz34. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

!Gif Nutella Day

Bueno: ¡Me contagié!
Ahora la quiero comprar @pedrobrito2004

I Love You Hearts GIF by Chippy the Dog


country music GIF by Toby Keith


Me gusta como dibujaron este GIF :)