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RE: Update on my parenthood & resuming my Hive initiatives

in #lifelast year

Yeah, you probably know Petr Cech, the famous goalie who played for Chelsea :) Petr is actually very common name here. Ok I would like to know the diminutive and maybe I can deduce the official name from it too :D


Yes, I know him, the guy with the helmet. Hahaha, ok, my name is Efi 😼😺

Exactly, the "helmet guy" :D

Efi? Wow! That´s interesting. I can see that Efi is a popular Greek name and I know you come from Greece but you said it´s actually a diminutive so your real name is different... Hmm, let me think about it! :D

Well, you're wrong, it's' actually not a very common name and it's not popular either and that's why I love it hehehe 😼 and here in Venezuela nobody has my name 😎 😼 I feel privileged 😁😉

Wow, that´s cool :) But you said that "Efi" is just your nickname so your real name is different. Can be something like Steffany or maybe Effia? Sofia and Effia, that would be cool :) Whatever, keep it for yourself and remember not to tell your name to the Zulians who would steal it and make some crazy combinations with it :D

Btw I just checked out the occurrence of the name Flora in my country and it seems that our daughter will also be quite unique here. There are currently just 18 people with this name here, out of the total Czech population of 11 million people :)

Effia? 😳🤢🤮🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 WTF 🤔😬🙄😒. Nooooo, thank God that's not my complete name 😬😂😂😂😂 I don't think that that name exists. My name it's not a nickname, it's a diminutive, my full name is a little unpronounceable hahaha, especially for people from here and the rest of the world, too hahaha so it's better that people call me Efi hehehe 😼 😎 I love it 🌞💖.
No, no, keep away from my name zulians 😤🤭🤭
Oh, great, good choice 🌺, so Flora belongs to my team 👊🏻👌🏻, the team with the rare names 😎. I have met some Floras here but it's not a common name at all, I remember a classmate I had in high school, her name was really unique, Floryselva, which means Flower and jungle, beautiful, don't you think?
What's the most popular female name in the Czech Republic?

Ok, I better not mess with your name anymore, you will still be "Gatubela the Superhero" to me :D ;)

Floryselva? Wow, that´s interesting :)

Here are 20 most common names in my country. First column is for men, second for women.

Bez názvu.png

Hahaha, yes, Gatubela 👊🏻

Wow, interesting list, I can see that many names of that Czech list are common here, some more and some less, Lucas (with C), Martín, Vladimir, Tomás, Josef, David, Eva, Anna, Verónica (with C), Teresa (with S), Micaela (without H), Elena (without H) and Martina, now, when we talk about Czech names, I have met people called Pável, Ludmila and Jaroslava and Petra is very often here, too.

Wow, that´s interesting. I didn´t know you have met some Czech people in Venezuela, it´s not one of the countries where Czech tourists or travelers usually go to :)