My flower bulk

in DIYHub5 months ago

Hello everyone, Good Afternoon and welcome to my blogs so today

I decided to be creative and I got an idea of how to make my flower bulked and put some flowers to it so that it can give my room a good look and this is how it goes.

Making a flower bulk that looked like a beautiful flower through cardboard papers, gum and flowers took some time and ideas.

First of all, all that was required of me, was to assemble my supplies, such as cardboard paper, gum, and flowers.

You can have actual flowers or; you may also have artificial flowers depending on the preference of the couple.

First, I placed the cardboard paper in a shape that I required cutting and the size was enough to accommodate the flower then, I folded the cardboard paper in middle.

This will only assist you in providing a much better shape of what my flower bulk should look like.

Then, I spread a small pea size gum on the mid-point of the cardboard paper.

This help to hold my flowers in place. And arrange my making sure to leave some vacate between each flower. My flower are of different model and wear different types to give a new look to it.