Get my First Race on Moonkart (with very minimum requirement)

in Blockchain Gaming2 months ago


Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, my plan to unpack is pended, but my problem for market is clear, so I try to get a Kart and Driver and get my first race ! Let's check it out !


What is Moon Karts?


Moon Karts is classic kart racing genre likes the mario cart which combined with blockchain technology. It is coming as a 3D and play-to-earn game. This is an enjoyable and financially rewarding game (it's been so long since I play racing game, with crash team racing is my fav game on childhood). But there is things that makes this games even more interesting, there is upgradable character and carts so we can tecnically improve the car's performance. This is mostly likes the tamiya things ! And yeah, I'm so interesting on this game !

You can check more details of it's uniqueness on my previous post on


Pending of Unpacking and Get Driver and Kart from Market

I have bought the script few days ago, today I decide to spent it as my plan for buying 1 centauri pack !

We can get the centauri pack on the shop menu and chose centauri packs.

Since my script is on Hive Engine, I need to transfer it on the in-game wallet, by clicking the script incon (the one before my name).

Then we can transfer in script from the hive engine

Unlucky for me cause I have a delay on the transaction.

Since I really want to try racing, especially with the race competition by @drzoom on , I decide to give it a try with some common kart and driver on the market.

First I need the credits to buy the kart and driver. I decide to give it a try for 500 credits which chost 1.026 hive.

Then I chose the astro kart which is very affordable with $0.14

For driver, I chose turbo. He is not the cheapest, but I hope he is just like his names, turbo !


Set Driver and Kart, and Go Racing

First I chose the Single Player race, cause I know I only have the cheap kart and driver just for trial, no chance I could win a multiplayer games, I still don't have fuel as well (going to stack cards but my script still stuck)

Now we should add the karts and drivers

For the karts, I only had one, so I just chose it.

Now press the equip button

Your kart already set, now we need a driver for it. Click the plus on the driver

Turbo is my only driver right now

Now click the Equip button.

Now you are ready to race with the very minimum requirement !

I managed to finish my match and learn something on my first race.

Here you can see that I have a trouble for turning the kart, cause the angle only change slightly. The handle for the reverse (go backward) feels better.
I learn that this might cause that I have very low handling points. I really need to upgrade my kart 😂


My Next Target

Once myscript already transfered into the game wallet, I will try to unpack a centauri pack. I hope to get a better kart or parts for better handling. I had a plan to buy some part or kart on market if didn't find my solution on the pack, once my previous post about moonkart payout is given (in 3 days). I also want to stack some cards in order to get fuel for the multiplayer games !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? Please give me advice on building my own Kart by put it on comment section below cause I'm still newbie about this game :)

PS : This is not a financial answer, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Terracore : Just click this link
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
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Crownrends :

Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


wow not lagging at all?
So we need buying all parts in order to participate in the race right?
Like we discuss earlier it is better to buy all common part first while collecting and unpacking pack right?

I don't feel any lag, things were run smoothly.
For part thing, I think so !
Need a proper part so the cart would work properly.

 2 months ago Reveal Comment