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RE: Czy KBK zhakowało FB?

in KBK5 months ago

At the very beginning, in 2015, Facebook was the main channel of communication with the world for the Kingdom of the Endless. Very effective, too. In the spring of 2015, I saw a clear relationship between Facebook activity and the progress of the renovation collection. I think this was one of the factors that made it successful. But then something went wrong and we were less and less likely to reach new people who had never been to KBK with information. In this situation, back in the Rzeszów period, I decided to check the effectiveness of sponsored posts. I bought ads for several events and although the interest in them on Facebook was clearly greater, the final effect was non-existent. No one new came to these events.

At the beginning of this year I decided to check if anything had changed in this regard. Maybe it will work in Krakow - I thought and bought advertisements for two events. The effect was similar to that in Rzeszów. The range is clearly greater, but there is no effect. It was February. I spent a total of PLN 100 then. However, several people pointed out to me that this is not enough to conclude that FB ads do not work. Therefore, in April, when we received support from @valueplan, I allocated a large part of the funds to sponsored posts. We spent a total of PLN 1,000 on this. I didn't expect success. I was rather focused on collecting hard data and testing my own promotion system based on tokenization in the near future. To my surprise, this time the effect was there, although not what I expected for such an amount. Interestingly, new people came to some events, others did not. In total, in April, we managed to attract 26 new people to KBK via Facebook. 2 people returned to Biskupia later.

PLN 1,000 was spent, but from the very beginning the assumption was not to pay Zuckerberg any more. And so it happened. In May, instead of advertising, we bought supplies, filled the fridge to the brim, and started giving people points for their involvement, which they can, in turn, exchange for transfer vouchers. Initially, the first three places received additional prizes. First in HBD and RCRT, then only in RCRT. Ultimately, we settled on the multiplier, which seems to be the best solution. TOP20 receives awards multiplied by the value resulting from the place taken. The rest is standard - for every 5 points 1 RCRT.

The main concern about our alternative system was whether increasing fan page traffic would allow us to reach new people. It turned out to be true quite quickly. At the same time, the following months confirmed one of the basic assumptions that over time the results will get better and better, because if people regularly like posts, the next ones will appear more often.

All right. After this long introduction, let's move on to the data (presented in the table below). Facebook statistics allowed me to go back to September 2022. So we have two years of information about traffic on the KBK website. As you can see, it is not equal. There are better and worse months. Dry numbers don't tell the whole truth either. An example would be August 2023 and January 2024. How is it that the ranges are similar and quite large compared to the other months (4K) and the median interaction is extremely different? In August 2023 we have 7 (i.e. one of the lowest), in January 2024 we have 14 (i.e. the highest before the promotional campaign starts). The explanation may be one post posted on August 1st. It collected a lot of likes and comments, so it was displayed to many people. The rest, however, had poor ranges and little interaction. Well, to know this you need to go beyond the statistics and look through the content. And a year ago, this one usually garnered very few likes. A dozen or so was a very good result. Currently there are no such posts because they are all 20+...

As you can see, sponsored posts in April 2024 did not translate into interactions. And since there was no interaction, it is difficult to expect that other entries will be displayed to ad recipients. However, such a mechanism works in the case of an alternative system that we have been testing since May. The more people like, the more posts they see. The effect is as shown in the attached table. Basically, each subsequent month means greater reach and a greater median of interactions. And greater reach means more likes. And more likes mean greater reach... So we can see the snowball effect. Facebook algorithms see the interest, display posts to people completely unrelated to KBK, they come to Biskupia 18 and, charmed by the place, join the action. That's how it works.

Of course, this is not ONE EASY WAY (see which one >>>), because it doesn't happen without effort. This can be seen by the increase in the number of posts. On the other hand, most of them are simple entries about activity in KBK - reports or announcements of events. Therefore, it is not a content that requires a separate job and fiddling.

The alternative system based on tokenization developed in the Kingdom is effective because it drives interactions, tweaks algorithms and attracts new people. But the question arises: how much does it cost? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because the magic of tokenization is that we do not pay anyone in Polish zlotys. However, if we wanted to value it in any way, we first of all need to count the number of tokens distributed. In August, there were 450 of them. Rycar can be obtained for a donation of PLN 2, which gives us PLN 900. In reality, however, the cost is much lower, because the rates often correspond to the price of a given product in Polish zlotys. In other words: the cost of drinks that you can get in KBK for 450 RCRT is ~ PLN 450. But this is not the only reward. For 450 RCRT you can, for example, rent a KBK for 22.5 hours, which does not generate any costs. In addition, not everyone receives their transfer knights, and even if they receive them, they do not always spend them. Ultimately, the costs of running a promotional campaign based on tokenization are ridiculously low. In a minimalist variant of prizes limited to tea and rent, the PLN 1,000 we spent in April alone could be enough to reward people for likes and comments for a year or two. The point is that even if it were different and the costs of running the campaign on Facebook equaled the rates for sponsored posts, it would still be a more adequate solution to reward authentic KBK friends for their activity than to pay a corporation that has nothing to do with the Kingdom and is only focused on for profit.

I translated to English, for my own understanding and may be helpful for others as well.