A Picture is worth a Thousand words: The Mischievous Dog

in Freewriters4 months ago

Greetings to all those beautiful Hiveans. Wishing you all a great week ahead.

What I see
A dog covered in blanket, lying in a bed, with just a part of his face out of the blanket.

What I feel
He is partly asleep or pretending to be asleep.

A fabricated story
The owner Mr. Smith had two lovely pets, a dog and a bird. Though he was a disciplinarian andbstrict by nature, he showered all his love to these two little creatures.

Though the bird was caged, he made sure to let the bird fly freely within the house and the gatden, in his presence. Even the dog was given its freedom.

The dog was smart but naughty. He left no chance to trouble the bird, when the owner is not around. For the fear of trouble from the dog, the bird was smart enough to keep herself comfortable in the little cage, when the owner is not around.

One morning, as usual he left the bird out of the cage and the dog in the garden. Both were busy in its own way. Suddenly, the phone bell rang and the owner hurriedly left home leaving the cat and dog to its mercy.

Seeing the movements of the owner and after making sure the owner left home, he tried to attack the bird in a playful manner, inside the house. This eventually resulted in breaking of glasses and plates, destruction of antique show pieces, spilling of water all over the floor, breaking of oil can and finally messing up the whole room including the dining table.

On hearing the creek sound of the old gate, the dog knew his master reached. Out of fear, he ran towards the cot and sneaked into the blanket.

The owner came in and was disappointed and astonished to see the situation of his home. Within minutes, he could figure out what exactly happened. He took a long stick to teach the dog a lesson, but on seeing the fear in his dog's face under the blanket, he couldn't help laughing.

In minutes, the dog came to the master waging its tail and laid his head to rest in his master's lap.


Naughty dog. When the master is away, the animal and bird will play. The story reminds me of Tweety-Bird causing havoc. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Thankyou so m7ch

Glad the dogs master really love and late forgave. The sweetest is that it ended in laughter.

Happy and thanks that you liked 👍 it my friend.

A heartwarming story! Well done!

Thankyou so much @deeanndmathews

You're welcome!

That dog must have had fun. A smart bird could have hid in the cage or sit something high. Is the bird still alive?

Thanks for writing with us.

Ha..ha..of course my friend it should be

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thankyou, its a real honour.