How I help to reduce food waste

in FreeCompliments24 days ago


Hello everyone!

I didn't have a particular topic in my mind to write about today, so looked around a saw a used pot of our selfmade lettuce soup in the kitchen. That made me think to tell the story about our lettuce soup. In Belgium, making lettuce soup isn't that common. We make soup of a lot of vegetables but people rarely do so from lettuce. So why do we make it? Well, since about a year we utilize the app: 'Too good to go'. Different markets are connected to the application. If you are connected as a market, you're able to put a couple of packages of food on it everyday. These packages are sold for maximum 33% of the original price. In other wofds, you pay €5 to receive a food package of at least €15.

You may be wondering, all good, that's cheap food but what is the catch? Well, all the food inside the package is at its 'best to use before date X'. You can't hold it for days anymore. But as you probably know, when such a date is reached, it's better to check if the food is still okay, rather than just throwing it away blindly. Where there is meat/fish in the package, we just put it in the freezer. Often there is atleast one bg filled with lettuce in such a package as well. Especially when there are multiple bags of lettuce inside, it's too much for us to eat before it would start to rot so we put it in our freezer as well.

In the early days, we made soup from a random mix of vegetables but we often ended up with okay-ish soup and not really a very tasteful soup. We googled around a bit and rather fast found a a recipe to make lettuce soup. We tried it out as we had a couple of bags in our fridge and thought it was better than the mixed vegetables soup.

When I talked about it with a colleague of mine a couple of weeks ago, she said she made lettuce soup as well. She gave me the tip of adding some herbcheese ike for example Boursin. Ofcourse I had to try it out and it was definitely a great addition. The herbcheese made the soup less watery and added a nice extra taste. Experiment succeeded!

When I talked about it to another colleague, she told me she made lettuce soup as well from her too good to go packages. She didn't receive bags of lettuces but fresh crops of lettuce. Anyway, I found it kind of funny to hear that so many colleagues made soup from lettuce although it isn't considered as a common soup in Belgium.

Thanks for stopping by! Ofcourse I am wondering if you have apps similar to too good to go to help prevent foodwaste? Another question I have as well, have you ever made lettuce soup? Is it common in your country?
Feel free to respond to any or all of the questions! :)
