Hello my loving Hiveans,
How are you,Good evening to all dear friends. The beginning of this year has been extremely busy, especially with personal matters. So with all this, I will not forget the art that I love. Today I brought a different recipe for you. This is egg omelette curry. It's really easy to make. It can also be called a delicious curry that brings a different flavor to your main meal. So let's see how to make it.
- Two eggs
- A teaspoon of sugar
- A medium-sized large b onion, chopped
- About two cloves of finely chopped
garlic - Cut a piece of ginger in a trench Also
- Cut some curry leaves into very small
pieces - Cut a ripe tomato into squares
- Two tablespoons of oil
- Three pods of green chillies
- Three cloves cardamom
- Few pieces of cinnamon
- Half teaspoon of cumin powder
- 1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds
- Half teaspoon of salt powder
- Half teaspoon of chilli powder
- 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder
The method of making;
First of all, add the two eggs in a bowl and stir.
Now spread oil in the pan and make the omelet with these eggs.
Break into small pieces and transfer to another bowl.
Add the remaining oil to the pan in which the egg omelette was made and when the oil is hot, add the cumin seeds, cardamom and cinnamon.
Then add cumin powder, chili powder and turmeric powder to it and stir with low flame.
After that add chopped garlic with ginger to it.
Now add chopped onions.
Add salt powder to it.
While stirring on low flame, add chopped tomatoes to the pan.
Cook for about three minutes on medium heat until the water boils.
Now add the previously made egg omelet pieces and stir.
Add green chillies.
Add sugar.
After collecting all the ingredients, turn off the stove and finally add the pieces of curry leaves and remove from the stove.
This egg omelette curry goes very well with any dish like rice, roti, paratha. This is very fragrant. This egg omelette curry has a smell and taste that makes you want to eat and makes you feel hungry. This is very tasty like a gravy..
Warmly thanking you for reading.