Hello to all my foodie friends of this great platform and especially to those who make life in the community of @foodiesbeehive , be all and all welcome to my blog 🥧.
1 lata de leche evaporada
1 lata de leche condensada
11 lata de queso crema
5 limones
2 paquetes de galletas María tradicional
1 can evaporated milk
1 can condensed milk
11 can cream cheese
5 lemons
2 packages of traditional Maria cookies
We start by taking the cookies out of their packaging and then crushing them and leaving them in a container.
Then we put the butter in a saucepan and melt it with the help of medium heat and once ready, we add it to the crushed cookies.
Once the cookies are completely mixed with the butter, we proceed to place the base of our country with the help of our hands; placing a slightly thick layer and pressing down to the edges.
Mix the condensed milk, evaporated milk, cream cheese and proceed to beat with the help of a whisk; finally add the juice of the 5 lemons that will give a little texture to the mixture.
Pour the mixture over our cookie base and grate a little of the zest of 1 lemon for decoration.
Refrigerate for about 14 hours.
We have a super delicious Lemon Pai, to enjoy as a snack.
Gracias a todos por la visita; nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad dónde les seguiré mostrando una nueva receta para endulzar el paladar.
Thank you all for your visit; see you in the next opportunity where I will continue showing you a new recipe to sweeten your palate.
📍 El texto es completamente de mi autoría.
📍 The text is entirely by me.
🎙️ Traducción realizada con DeepL Traslate.
🎙️ Translation using DeepL Traslate.
📸 Cámara: Tecno Spark Go 2023
📸 Camera: Tecno Spark Go 2023.