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RE: Seeing and ticking boxes

in Reflections7 months ago

Reading this made me think about the challenges we face and how we deal with them. It's so easy to feel sorry for ourselves when things get tough. I've felt that way too. It's a normal human reaction, but we have to push past it if we want to move forward.I can relate to your experiences as I’m also dealing with health issues. It’s definitely challenging to stay positive with these conditions. Reading books, talking to a psychologist, and connecting with people close to me have always given me new strength.Why give up if there's still so much to do? Having good support makes things easier, definitely! I'm glad your results are amazing. Hearing those words from a doctor is always great for mental health! Stay healthy!


Sometimes people have a propensity for this sort of thought and other times it's learned throughout the hardship and adversity they face...and some never learn it. Fortunately for you and I we've learned the benefit of doing so and the ways to keep thoughts and attitudes in the right zone...mostly.

Yes, you are right, mostly ;) We learn throughout our lives. There are always new challenges, but with the right attitude, we can find a great way of living. I know it is easy to say that, and doing it is a little bit harder. But without trying, we will never know what life can bring to us.