You have 10 spots available for tags (keywords) whenever you publish a post. Try to add the following three tags in your next post (or even by editing the currently published ones not older than 7 days) to gain more viewers, visitors, and potentially more upvotes.
#aliveandthriving #proofofbrain and #hive-engine
Those three tags would also help you to earn so-called second-layer tokens (ALIVE, POB, and BEE) simultaneously (without any extra work).
You can stake (power up) those tokens the same way you are doing it with Hive coin to be able to give a stronger vote to others and build your wallet (power).
How much of those tokens, and which ones you already have, you may easily see in your Hive-Engine wallet. When you decide what you are going to do with those tokens (keep it liquid in balance, stake them, or simply sell them for Hive/Swap.Hive) you can easily access them by login there with your key (active key - password) that you are using here for managing your funds.
We hope this will help you!?! 😊