It's almost time for a new report, and we didn't post the previous one, but as you know, we are not into writing here but into curating. On top of that, it is important that the rewards went out on time, and they did! As always, the payment was on the first of the month (December 1st, 2023) for the previous month (November 2023).

The snapshot of token holders was taken on November 30th, 2023, at midnight (UTC).
We sent the rewards to all the VOCUP token holders on December 1st, 2023, according to their respective token holdings and in the amounts shown in the table below.

Here are also the screenshots from our wallet of sent rewards.

In November, one new member arrived, while an older one who has been with us for 13 months decided to sell all its VOCUP tokens, which another old member bought.
After selling its tokens, the old member who decided to leave the project left us with over 128% profit (in HIVE, and not counting the rewards received in other tokens).
Its total investment in the purchase of VOCUP tokens was 50 HIVE/Swap.HIVE.
In 13 months, the total rewards received was 14.198 HIVE or a 28.396% return on the total investment.
The member sold its VOCUP tokens for a total of 99.99999990 HIVE/Swap.HIVE.
So, in short, the member left the project with a profit of 64.19799990 HIVE/Swap.HIVE (total rewards 14.198 + selling amount 99.99999990 = 114.1979999 HIVE/Swap.Hive - 50 investment = 64.19799990 HIVE/Swap.HIVE).
Besides that, during its membership time, the member also received 5 POB, 10 ALIVE, and 10,000 SPORTS tokens.
Imagine what the above numbers would look like if this member stayed in the project for another year!
However, in the table below is its journey with us with more details.

HivePUD & LPUD for December 2023
For December Hive Power Up Day, we brought in 100 HIVE, and with it, we increased again our curation power a bit more.
On December 15th, 2023 (on Leo PowerUp Day) we bought 150 LEOs and powered them up to increase our LEO curation power.
It would be all from us this time.
The rewards for December will be sent on January 1st, 2024, and the report about it soon after.

To buy a VOCUP token, visit Hive-Engine, Tribaldex or LeoDex exchange.
Please review our Announcement post to learn more about our project.

Images Sources:
1st image (Thumbnail): Our own derivative work with image by RuiMRC from Pixabay
2nd image: (Table): Own work.
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th image: (Wallet Transactions): Screenshots from our wallet.
7th image: (Table): Own work - Journey of the member who left us in November.
Dividers: Our own derivative work with image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay