Stuffed potatoes 🥔🥔🥔

in Ukusi Banata4 months ago (edited)

A sad dame i gospodo...jedan recept!
Toliko sam zadovoljna novim ručkom da sam morala da podelim sa mojim Hajv prijateljima!
Kao što sam ja uživala, sada ćete i vi ako prihvatite ovaj kulinarski izazov.

And now ladies and gentlemen...a recipe!
I am so happy with my new lunch that I had to share with my Hive friends!
As I enjoyed it, now you will too if you accept this culinary challenge.
Let's go!



Skuvajte 1/2 kilograma mladog krompira srednje veličine.Trebalo bi da ostane u ljusci,ali zbog moje ćerke, pola od te količine sam oljuštila .
Dok se krompir kuva, ispržite šampinjone sa crnim i belim lukom.

Cook 1/2 kilogram of medium-sized new potatoes. It should remain in the skin, but for my daughter's sake, I peeled half of that amount.
While the potatoes are cooking, fry the mushrooms with black and garlic.




Iscediti krompir i dok je vruć napravite rupu na vrhu krompira manjom čašom. To ja mesto za smesu koju ćete ubaciti.

Drain the potatoes and while they are still hot, make a hole in the top of the potatoes with a small glass. This is the place for the mixture that you will insert.




Kada ste kašikom ubacili šampinjone, preko njih možete staviti Čeri paradajz, kečap ili ajvar.

When you have spooned in the mushrooms, you can put cherry tomatoes, ketchup or ajvar over them.



Zatim izrendajte kačkavalj na sitno i pospite preko šampinjona i paradajza.

Then grate the cheese finely and sprinkle over the mushrooms and tomatoes.


Stavite da se peče 20 minuta na 200 stepeni.

Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.



Izvadite iz rerne tople krompire i poslužite sa nekim ljutim sosom, pavlakom, ajvarom, kiselim paprikama, maslinama ili sa čim želite po vašem ukusu.

Take the warm potatoes out of the oven and serve with some hot sauce, sour cream, ajvar, pickled peppers, olives or whatever you like.



Sve je vrlo jednostavno.

Everything is very simple.


Da li vam se dopalo?
Nadam se da ćete prihvatiti ovaj recept. Bilo je ovo moje današnje umetničko delo, a sada se vraćam mom akvarelu. 🤗🎨🖌️
Pozdrav dragi Hajveri i bon apetit!

Did you like it?
I hope you will accept this recipe. This was my artwork for today, now back to my watercolor. 🤗🎨🖌️
Greetings dear Hiveri and bon appetit!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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😋 looks delicious

Thank you my dear @gatubela !

Yes,it is!