A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words / Contest [Eng - Esp]

in Freewriters7 months ago

What I see and feel I will narrate as follows:

And here I am on the threshold of heaven, my time has come to change the landscape, it is an immense, beautiful window, full of light and all the angels and my ancestors receive me, so many faces and happiness full, but, for a moment I became curious and wanted to turn around to see the world, the land where I was born, I asked Saint Peter for permission just to look and he said yes and, although the land was beautiful and my experiences were reflected As photographs I understood that it was just that, a memory, now I will be happy sitting on the right side of my father.


I think this initiative is beautiful, I invite you to participate @care1869, you can read the rules here👈


The main image is courtesy of the community present.
Separator made in PowerPoint.
Free online translator: DeepL
Template designed and customized in Canva


Lo que veo y siento lo narraré de la siguiente manera:

Y aquí estoy en el umbral del cielo, ya llegó mi hora para cambiar de paisaje, es una ventana inmensa, hermosísima, llena de luz y todos los ángeles y mis ancestros me reciben, tantos rostros y felicidad plena, pero, por un momento me dio curiosidad y quise voltear a ver el mundo, la tierra donde nací, le pedí un permiso a San Pedro solo para mirar y me dijo que sí y, aunque la tierra era bella y estaban mis vivencias reflejadas como fotografías entendí que era solo eso, un recuerdo, ahora seré feliz sentada al lado derecho de mi padre.

Me parece bonita esta iniciativa, te invito a participar @care1869 , las bases las lees con detalle aquí👈


La imagen principal es cortesía de la comunidad presente.
Separador realizado en PowerPoint.
Traductor gratuito on line: DeepL
Plantilla diseñada y personalizada en Canva


How beautiful a last thought @yenmendt, to be granted a last farewell. What's ahead is the only thing that matters now as you leave the old and familiar and venture into the also promised everlasting beauty of the unknown. If you've made it that far, a place of your own awaits already stored up.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Take care.

@yenmendt! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Participando ando #contest #hive #posh ♦️✍️😉
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words / Contest [Eng - Esp] https://ecency.com/hive-161155/@yenmendt/a-picture-is-worth-a


Ese misterio de la muerte nos pregona a cada instante, es lo incierto, quizá la duda; pero por qué tanto misterio «si la muerte es tan sublime como la vida misma».

Así es mi estimado @amigoponc es algo muy natural y sublime.

Seguramente yo también pediría permiso para ver la tierra nuevamente a pesar de lo densa que es estoy más que agradecida por cada experiencia vivida y con certeza iba querer mirarla por última vez, peroooo sin regresos por favor. Jajaja saludos y abrazos amiga bella @yenmendt


¡Pá atrás ni para coger impulso!😉🙌🙌🙌!

A beautiful description of death. When it's time, I hope we just transit peacefully to sit at the right hand of the father.

So be it.🤗🙏

In death, I just hope that one would have a last glance at the memories one is leaving behind and I also hope they would be the kind that will unite us with the father.
A beautiful one.

Un mirada muy sugestiva, aunque lo que esta fuera no se parece a la tierra que conocemos. Pero el anhelo interior de cada persona privara en ese ultimo instante, que quiza, no sabemos si sera realmente el ultimo. Saludos amiga.

I bet you'll use this your time well, change the landscape and change the world

Saint Peter gave a wonderful gift :) I have no doubt that Heaven will be beautiful!


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@wrestlingdesires(12/15) tipped @yenmendt

Death, the only thing we are all sure of and one that is inevitable. A really nice piece you've crafted, we hope to be ready when it comes so it doesn't snatch us away.