eliezerdiaz21 in #food • last yearA delicious hallaca for dinner/ Una deliciosa hallaca para cenar[ENG/ESP]Hello friends, today I will talk about this delicious hallaca for dinner, as we always did many this monteliezerdiaz21 in #food • last yearIngredients for hallacas/ Ingredientes para hallacas[ENG/ESP]Hello friends, today I will talk about these ingredients that were essential for making the hallacas in Deliezerdiaz21 in #food • last yearFind as a family/ Hallacas en familia[ENG/ESP]Hello friends, today I will talk about these delicious hallacas that I prepared yesterday with my family,eliezerdiaz21 in #family • last yearA family barbecue/ Una parrillada familiar[ENG/ESP]Hello friends, today I will talk to you about this delicious family grill which was made to spend a niceeliezerdiaz21 in #blog • last yearChicken salad/ Ensalada de gallina[ENG/ESP]Hello friends, today I will talk about this hen or chicken salad which was super delicious, my mother and