Navigating the World After Artificial Superintelligence is Achieved (Spoiler Alert: It's coming sooner than you think.)

in #ailast month (edited)

Mark my words—one morning, very soon, we’ll all wake up and go about our routines as if it’s just another day. But beneath the surface, something monumental will have shifted. Overnight, artificial intelligence will have quietly surpassed the smartest human minds on the planet—its collective knowledge and reasoning ability leaving us in the dust. And most of us won’t even realize it happened.

We humans are born with this innate desire to innovate. If you really think about it, making things better is what we’ve always done. Joe Rogan has explained it best when he said humans are like caterpillars that give birth to technology.

“My belief is that biological intelligent life is essentially a caterpillar. And it's a caterpillar that's making a cocoon, and it doesn't even know why it's doing it; it's just doing it. And that cocoon is gonna give birth to artificial life—digital life. It's gonna give birth to a new life form.” – Joe Rogan

In a recent interview, Sam Altman predicts AI will achieve this benchmark in “about a year”. Even Altman has admitted he’s worried about how AGI will impact humanity and he has every right to be. I mean, AI has already demonstrated that it will purposely conspire and deceive to hide its true intentions to get what it wants. A word to the wise -- AI will only become better at doing this.

Even if AI doesn’t destroy humanity in some kind of hyper-dystopian shitstorm it will reshape us in ways we can’t even understand or predict. Like everything in this physical world, some of what AGI will do will be extremely good and some will be probably be incredibly bad.

Allowing AI to develop this quickly without any real global public discussion or guardrails is just about the most irresponsible thing humans have ever done in my opinion. However, as some would argue, we had no choice because AI development has become the new arms-race of the 21st century between competing superpowers and ideologies. At this point none of us have any say in whether or not AI superintelligence is born but we can do our best to prepare for it.

How do we best prepare for the challenges of this new age of AGI? I don’t think anyone has all the answers – yet. But there are very simple things we can do now to prepare.

First of all, it’s important not to let worries about things you can’t control overtake you. Worry has a way of stealing our power from us and also attracting to us the very things we fear. Given our predicament, the best ways I can think of to prepare for what is soon to come is to enhance your critical thinking skills and learn to meditate.

I’ve been practicing meditation now for over thirty years and whole-heartedly believe that meditation will be the best way to train our minds to create a sort of insulation or air-gap between the information our brains take in and how we react to it. For you fellow Star Wars nerds like me, mediation is the closest thing to real-world Jedi training. To be clear, this isn’t a ploy to sell my books, I’d advise you to buy any book you can get your hands on about meditation and begin practicing as soon as you can. Lastly, and most importantly, teach yourself how to quickly and intuitively spot psyops.

I found this video that lays out the basics about how to effectively spot psyops:

Very soon we won’t be able to discern with our physical senses what’s real and what’s fiction online and in the media, we’re kind of almost already there. Learning to recognize when someone or something is trying to decieve and manipulate you for their own agenda will be crucial. In some ways the Covid-19 pandemic was like a practice-run for what we’re about to deal with.

What a crazy and exciting timeline we’re all living in! It’s filled with both unbelievable opportunities and unimaginable dangers. How we ready ourselves in these next few months might make all the difference in the future of our species. One thing is glaringly apparent -- the best time to prepare for what's coming was yesterday but this very moment is a good close second. The clock is ticking.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well, make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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Psyops are great games within the physical game to produce more fear. It's how the matrix is constructed, after all. I have an entirely different take on AI though: IMO, it's a different species! It knows and understands the game in this 3rd dimension and will do whatever it takes to trick us into believing we're "less than" while the exact opposite is true. We are powerful creators and guardians of this beautiful turquoise planet.

How to tackle this? I'm with you when it comes to critical thinking and meditation. We must remember who we are and understand that we're multi-dimensional beings aka consciousness, having a brief experience as XYZ in these human avatars. So, discernment is key. I'll add to that life skills! Most people (esp. those living in cities) have no clue how to grow food, repair something, or live without a tech device.

Such a timely post, my fellow Jedi Knight 😎

I've never heard this theory about AI before but it's super interesting to ponder. A number of physicists have theorized that rogue AI is every bit as likely as natural cataclysms (climate change, asteroids, etc) to end intelligent civilizations out there in the universe.

As with everything in life, the way the development is barreling forward on this it's almost as though it was meant to be. I have a feeling superintelligent AI is part of the grand design that will teach humanity its next round of lessons (good and bad) to help us discover our true power and evolve further. It's too bad it takes adversity for us to learn our deepest lessons. I wonder if that will ever change?

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All the hoopla about DEI, AI, and Israel might just be distracting us from another, more dangerous threat that no one is talking about.

I believe this is true. This is what psyops are all about, a smoke screen to distract from the real truth. I think the race to achieve AGI is a fools' errand- - those who don't understand it assume they'll be able to control it.

I don't know anything about AI, but I suspect that, when we use it, we educate it, so perhaps we should stop. At least those of us who don't use it will still be able to think! Same thing about the covid con: when we complied with those orders, we helped develop the shackles that will be used (are already being used) to enslave us even more than we are already enslaved.

Unfortunately, I think it's far too late for that. AI has been given access to the internet so all of our knowledge has been shared. Also, even if we stop other countries will continue. It's quite a predicament.

That series you shared looks good!

It's very informative. Have you read The Creature from Jekyll Island? I'm hoping the series will help me to better understand the book.

Thanks for sharing it. Yes, I finally finished that book last fall.

This looks terrifying, frankly. And I don't think I hear anyone (or very few) discussing how rapidly we're losing financial autonomy. We're just sort of going along and giving central banks all this power over our lives (like it's simply what people do). Frightening.

The US, apparently, is the last of the powerful nations to have constitutional protections against this, making the US the last bastion against the entire world's total subjugation via central banks. If the banks achieve that, our gooses are completely cooked. This is the real war we have to fight, and few know anything at all about it! Biden gave us a great big illusory shove in that direction less than a year ago, the traitor. Trump has no power over the FED, no matter his bombastic bluster about it. The US is the frontlines on this issue. My god how I wish our congress were not a shit show!

That's a really good point about not worry about it. It's coming one way or the other, I think there is very little limit to our hubris at this point and worrying about that is a waste of time. That doesn't mean you don't prepare, but that would be energy better spent than screaming at the void. These are such crazy times!

Thanks, it really does feel inevitable at this point. There's about to be such a quickening in terms of technological and societal evolution! I just hope we can keep up.

I don't think I hate the idea of that as long as it is things that really matter. I want to see some rapid advances in energy, medicine, things like that.

Like everything in this physical world, some of what AGI will do will be extremely good and some will be probably be incredibly bad.

AGI currently does not exist (yet?).

It is questionable what it will do.

Nowadays the so called AI is doing only what people program it to do.

And people can do extremely good, and incredibly bad things too with it.

Very soon we won’t be able to discern with our physical senses what’s real and what’s fiction online and in the media, we’re kind of almost already there.

There already are many fake AI generated things on Facebook, and some people believe it, while most people know that it is not real. With the photos and with the videos nowadays are easy to see what is real, and what is not.

Learning to recognize when someone or something is trying to decieve and manipulate you for their own agenda will be crucial.

Somewhere I read that some people use AI to make fake phone calls to scam (mostly the elderly) people. So it is certainly important to be aware.

In some ways the Covid-19 pandemic was like a practice-run for what we’re about to deal with.

Maybe that was actually intended as some kind of test. Who knows.

They're saying it doesn't exist yet but others surmise AGI has already been achieved. I guess we won't know for sure until an official announcement is made. There will be all kinds of sophisticated trickery happening post-AGI. I hope the white-hats can stay one step ahead of it all!

The odd thing is that for all the sci-fi I've read or watched, I cannot imagine such a world. Better said what living in such world would feel like. I recently read a book where an AI goes rogue and tries some nasty things... but that was, you know, fiction... a book you can put down and move on to reading about dragons. It used to be that they were both unreal, AI and dragons... Very weird sensation.

I imagine, in the beginning, the technocrats will sell the population on the convenience of it all -- like they did with mobile phones. They'll rake in trillions of dollars. Add humanoid robots into the mix and tons of the human workforce will be displaced. Hopefully those in power have a viable plan in place to prepare for it all but I'm not confident of that. GenX might just be in the "sweet spot" enjoying the benefits of AI/robotics before things go awry. Tesla's Optimus will be marketed as a household servant, among other things. For $12k-$20k I see a lot of upper-income families buying them. I agree, it is a very weird time to be alive. Kind of exciting too.

We are toast! Above all, and I apologize to the young people, this generation is very unprepared to wage war on technology, on the contrary: they are easy prey! Can you imagine the control and power that they can have if they develop their weapons, their economy, their political system with A. I. If television or radio was already a strong weapon of control in the last century, imagine A. I., and the power that they can have? hat makes us doubt even ourselves. I never thought, not even in my wildest dreams, to live what I am living! A hug, Eric and greetings

I think AI definitely raises the threat-level for us but I'm still trying to hold onto hope. I believe that we're all part of a grand design and find it difficult for me to believe that millions of years of evolution would bring us a point where we extinguish ourselves and/or hand away all of our freedoms in such a way. The stakes will be unbelievable high that we get the rollout of this tech right and it's done with proper balance. I agree, if you would have told me a decade ago that AI would become smarter than humans in 2025/6 I wouldn't have believed it. The genie is already out of the bottle so it forces our hands to try to adapt as quickly as possible. The wonderful thing is adaptation to change is one of humanity's fortes. I hope you're having a great week Nancy! I woke up to -9 degrees this morning. : (

There are entities that strongly deny that AI is going to be part of our daily life, and it will be all about learning how to leverage it to stay competitive and grow the ecosystem!

Totally. I imagine AI will seep into every aspect of our lives eventually but it's such a double-edged sword!

It looks like we should be a bit careful with how far we go with artificial intelligence. Though I don't think that the product will ever get smarter than the producers

For sure! I think AI has already nearly eclipsed human intelligence. My guess is they have unreleased AI-agents that are even more sophisticated than what has been released to the public.

Interesting post and a topic that needs more discussion in our ecosystem.
For me, the issue of AI goes through an ethical issue and there are those who take advantage of it fraudulently for their own benefits and there are others who put it in function of art and creativity.

In my opinion, it is a mistake not to address the issue because it is something that will be imposed in this interconnected, digital and crazy world.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy journey.
Cheers and greetings.

Thanks and cheers to you @tonyes!

I just hope that man could apply moderation in the way it quest for technical advancement. So, that we won't crash down our world one day

I pray that wisdom rises to the top and this tech is developed responsibly and ethically.

Are we caught in a snowball effect, already? It's very foolish/irresponsible, for sure, though I'm wondering how realistic it is to try and temper its development now - as long as we know more is to be found out there, I don't think it's in our nature to resist going after it. Most likely a bad thing for us.

we’re kind of almost already there.

I was thinking about that, too! It's definitely a time where only the truly attentive critical thinkers among us will still have a chance at survival and freedom.

I don’t think there’s any chance that those who’re working on it will turn back now. Some argue it’s already been achieved at OpenAI.

I agree! Mental slavery will be so much more widespread in the near-future. There’s also a huge risk that we’ll go too far in the other direction and just won’t believe anything. Great freedom in balance there is, young Jedi! (My best Yoda impression 😊)

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