I was chatting with some buddies last weekend and the year 2020 came up. If you don't remember, that was the year the Chinese virus called Covid-19 took over the world and arguably changed it forever. We were talking about how it came into being, how individuals dealt with it and the reactions and responses from governments around the world. Of course, conspiracy theories came up and we all had thoughts and opinions on what, why, how, where and when, most of which will remain theories or opinions, but one thing that was unanimous was how fast the intervening five years have passed.
I remember where I was when I first heard about it. A mate and I were having a business meeting in early March and he'd quipped about having just been to a Chinese yum cha place for his previous lunch meeting and that "he'll probably die after having eaten there considering the virus that had just been announced." I don't watch the news so hadn't heard about it and we joked a little never once thinking what might be coming...and two weeks later I was working from home for months and months after government lockdowns were imposed here and around the world.
I say, "working" but I was really doing fuck all and getting paid for it which suited me just fine.
It was the same all over the world and things spiraled well out of control quickly with some foolish governmental reactions and decisions with (maybe) some good ones...and then came the vaccinations rushed through with limited testing, and jabbed into human lab rats whomever decided, or was forced, to get it.
Throughout, people dealt well with the lockdowns and "isolation" and thrived, (that was me), or did the total opposite.
It was a crazy time that caused shortages, made already wealthy people and corporations even more wealthy, started and ended careers, increased the suicide rate, decreased the flu-death rate (funny about that huh?), caused lack of supply of basic items and failure of supply chains, sent businesses and companies out of business, brought others to life, brought tension between countries, changed the face of global financial markets, gave governments more power over the population and fundamentally changed how people think which has endured for these past five years. Of course, there were other aspects to it, I'm trying to be brief though.
So, my mates and I discussed all of this and had a rather interesting chat in which we solved pretty much every problem known to mankind that currently exists, (some of those solutions wouldn't be popular so I'll not mention them) and had some laughs too. But for many the situation and 2020 and beyond wasn't at all a laughing matter.
Anyway, these days one hardly hears the words Covid-19, it's old news that the media cannot hype up anymore; we've all gone on with our lives as if it never happened but I've been wondering at the longer-term effects, (possible effects), that may come from it, the vaccinations that were administered with little to no testing and the levels of population control that sprang from the pandemic. I don't know what they are but something tells me things will come to light down the track and we won't like them.
I wonder about you folks and how things were for you at that time. Did you cope with the lockdowns and isolation, lack of products and services, working from home and other such things? Did you grow a second head on your shoulder or did your dick or tits drop off due to the vaccination? How did it change your life professionally and personally? Maybe it didn't at all?
If you want to have your say you can do so in the comments below and comment on whatever you like, share your opinions on one of the many conspiracy theories, how you handled and coped with the situation or anything else you might like to share.
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