krakonos in #czech • last monthMoje malá jídelní iniciativa@bucipuci provozuje #aroundtheworld , @tom45p provozuje #hivesport. @phortun provozoval tipovačky a fotografické soutěže, @godfish pořádal soutěže literární ... Nejmenoval jsem…krakonos rebloggedtrautenberk in #foodie • last monthLunch for US$1To be completely accurate, this meal cost me $1.03. But the rounding makes the headline look better. I don't usually write about food. I write about coins, gold and silver. But…krakonos in #beersaturday • 5 months agoOn the Way from the Doctor - Brewery in ŘíčanyI will write this article in English with the help of the translator. Twice a year I visit a medical specialist in Říčany near Prague, in the Czech Republic, in the…krakonos in #food • 5 months agoGulášová úvahaNenapadl mě lepší název... Můj nedělní oběd. Ono je to vlastně ragú. Hovězí. Na víně. Se šťouchanými bramborami. Vždyť já si fotil jídelní lístek! Chodsko is a small micro-region in western Bohemia. It is not easy to determine its exact size. At most, it includes one small town and about 20 villages. Chodsko had a…krakonos rebloggedgwyddpel in #cellphone-photography • 8 months agoCzeskie Paluszki o smaku czosnkowym O_o [pl/en] Czech garlic snackPołączenie to wydało mi się czymś zaskakującym. Wracaliśmy pięć dni temu z Festiwalu w Travnej i zdecydowanie potrzebowałem coś przekąsić (bariera komunikacyjna nie pozwoliła…krakonos in #cesky • 9 months agoFast Food StandIt is said that one does not enter the same river twice. Because there's other water flowing in that river. I've been to the same pub three times now. But I've had a different…krakonos in #cesky • 9 months agoHumpolec, the Town of BeerIf you were to ask in the Czech Republic which town is the town of beer, most people would probably tell you it's Pilsen. After all, the city gave its name to a type of beer. But…krakonos in #hive-194913 • 10 months agoArmy Day, 18.5.2024, Prague, Czech Republic, Part 1, TastingI don't know if that's the case in all states. My country is part of NATO. A few times a year our army shows the general public what weaponry it has. There are also training…krakonos in #beersaturday • 10 months agoUnexpected BreakLet me explain this matter in context. My son is going to a boating camp this summer. They can't sign up completely inexperienced kids. So I took my son to the boathouse to show…krakonos in #cesky • last yearChallenge50Když se soutěže účastní dva účastníci, nebo takový nějaký počet, není to ono. A tak jsem se také rozhodl přispět, i když nemám valné šance se umístit. Vlastně jsem úplně bez…krakonos in #cesky • last yearRej skřítkůJezdím a chodím si tak po světě... A občas mě něco zaujme a já si to nafotím a přemýšlím si... Třeba tady na stanici tramvaje Ocelářská, vulgo Českomoravská 2517/13b, Praha 9.…