With a (loosely held) worldview that we’re in a consciousness training simulator which evolved from the absolute unbounded oneness to improve the quality of our consciousness by removing entropy which increases our capacity for love (unity), every single experience becomes a tool for growth. “There are no ordinary moments” (see the movie Peaceful Warrior). The “lesson” to be learned may simply be noticing our own internal reaction to circumstances. Did we get triggered? Is our joy and wellbeing dependent on external stimuli? Are there lessons to be learned by difficult, painful, or even tragic circumstances or have we thought through those experiences in our mind and put ourselves at peace with them, with no illusion of control?
Why is the quality of our consciousness so important, you might ask? Well, in this density/dimension, there are limits such as time and space which prevent us from instantly manifesting anything we can imagine. Like training wheels, these limiting beliefs prevent us from hurting ourselves or others. Higher dimensions which our eternal spirits will experience (if the many books I’ve read on NDEs and deep regression hypnosis revealing past lives are to be believed), have no limitations and anything we can imagine is ours instantly. Can you imagine if everyone had that power to manifest right now? So many unintended consequences and externalities would emerge. Maybe with the rise of super powerful AI and a zero marginal cost society, we are getting closer to that reality.
If you could have anything you want right here and now, what would it be? How would it change you? How would it change those around you? What unintended consequences would result and how would you mitigate them? I find these to be very important, difficult questions. The power to manifest anything is a big responsibility. Maybe it’s easier just to flow through life and observe it happening.
What do you think?
What if every thing from family to work to relationships is simply a proxy to the "real thing" of consciousness evolution?