SMAP week #196 suggested a very sweet topic I could not pass quietly:
'Black and White!' Of course, I am in. I sat down, browsed thru my 2024 folders and made this little selection of crows, coot ducks, and a seagull. Pigeons and starlings were ignored this time! Dont much I can say, or need to say, about the pics. I guess, they are quite self-explanatory 😎 Would love to hear which of the captures became your fave (well, if any...)

Already presented you pics from this set: male coot duck helps her friend collect material to improve the nest (at this time her friend is already sitting on the clutch). Expression on his face is so .. spectacular!
Amazing portrait I did from quite a sufficient distance. This crow was washing bread crusts in the lake... obviously my proximity (I came within 2 meters) was distracting and irritating it. The crow wanted to continue eating its breakfast - but it wasn't going to ignore me either. A complex range of emotions is written on its face, hehe. Uncropped version of the whole frame:
A photo with a seagull... the case when it's an interior portrait, and the interior itself is more interesting to look at than one's face. By the way, this pole was located next to a garbage dump - the seagull was not just sitting in a safe place and looking around, but also overseered this profitable and forageable territory!
Big Crested Grebe duck sitting on a hatch.
A little thingie lost by some bird (I suppose it was a property of some duck).