Fat and Skinny

in LeoFinancelast year

I like having sprawling conversations that start at one point, and end up somewhere completely different. I don't necessarily mean rambling discussions (although I do tend to ramble at times), rather the conversations that link what might seemingly be relatively unrelated topics together with some kind of rationale. I think with the right people, it is a lot of fun and, it can lead to a both debate, and getting to know each other better.


A friend was looking to spark a bit of a discussion in one of our Whatsapp groups today, as he is on holiday and seemingly bored, so dropped this clip from a comedian on Twitter. Comedians tend to be far more relevant than politicians, and generally more political these days. Perhaps that was always the case, but politicians have moved away from "policies" and are instead more interested in celebrity. It is a sad state of affairs when we are voting for personalities to make policy decisions for us.

As I have mentioned before, I see overfeeding children as a form of child abuse that is going to impact on them for the rest of their lives, as they struggle with all the negatives associated with being overweight, or having an unhealthy relationship with food. It is essentially conditioning children for failure, but when they become adults, the "it is the way I was raised" excuse no longer cuts it, even though their entire body has been conditioned to be overweight. Changing behavioral habits learned in childhood, is very hard.

And this is where we fork a little, because when I mentioned this, it moved into one of my favorite areas of discussion, financial economics, combined with behavioral economics. A friend said:

If I'm not completely mistaken, being overweight nowadays correlates more with less wealth, which usually means tougher jobs, less flexibility in life, less capacity to make healthier choices (cooking yourself etc.) for oneself and one's kids...

Just to poke a bit, I did add that less wealth also correlated (loosely) with lower IQ. But, that was not the point. The point was about the wealth inequalities and how the economy and distribution of wealth impacts on our personal outcomes. A lot of people aren't interested in economics, because it is boring, but it is one of the key things that influences the conditions we face in the world - No matter where in the world you are born. As we have globalized, it has become even more influential over us, as previously disconnected regions are now tied intimately together through international money flows.

The economy itself is currently designed to create that inequality endlessly, because it is designed to generate wealth, not health. If the business incentives to create wealth were aligned with generating societal wellbeing in some way, wealth inequality would lessen enormously.

We all are driven by incentive and the business incentive is to find the most efficient ways to generate wealth for shareholders. This "efficiency" is guided by legislation, but there are a lot of ways to make money at a cost to the wellbeing of society. And when the cost of what I will call here, "bad behavior" is low, and the gains for bad behavior are high, it will be performed. And often, the costs are transferred to a third party, namely "society" as a whole. This means that the majority are each paying a little bit for a few to get incredibly wealthy.

If the model changed to one where the most lucrative ways to generate wealth were through business activities that supported health and wellbeing in society, the natural order of things would see better distribution happen, because there would be incentive to do so. Any company or conglomerate that got too large, would be socially scaled back as it starts to reduce wellbeing.

Not going to happen in my life time.

However, what we all need to consider, is how incentive drives human behavior. The incentive isn't always money, it could be, adoration, attention, or something like the sense of feeling appreciated, but there is always some kind of reciprocity involved.

I do this and I get this.

Corporations don't care about the other incentives, even though some people within the companies may. The only incentive a company actually has is to make money, so this is what they will align themselves to do. They will cut corners if they can get away with it because it reduces costs. They will layoff people if it will improve their profit ratios. They will pollute if the chance of being caught or the cost to being caught is low enough to make it worthwhile. They will calculate the potential cost of settlements against the cost of fixing a problem in their product that is killing people.

It is all just a profit-cost analysis.

If profits are likely to be made, it is worth the cost. And as the business grows, expands and matures, it will look to increasingly cut the costs, by changing the materials used, changing the employees used, changing the taxes they pay, or changing the laws if they can influence it.

We probably all know these things, but similarly to there not being marches against the obesity epidemic, the things that would help the situation, are largely inconvenient. Companies sell us convenience of some kind, whether it be a product that saves us time like dishwasher, or a product that we feel increases our value in the eyes of others, like an expensive handbag or shoes. Time saving isn't just something that gets us time back because we don't have to do something, it is also in what helps us speed up how fast we can get from point A to B. A car is faster than a horse to travel between towns, but when people are looking to be popular, what tool do they use?

And, the desire for popularity is one of the behaviors that gets encouraged and mined by industries, even though they are having a negative impact on many of the people they are facilitating. A drug dealer is just feeding the demand, yet we blame them for the outcomes of the drug addict and prosecute them. Yet, the social media dealers take no responsibility for the many addictions they facilitate.

They are called "users" for a reason.

Because they become reliant, and when we are reliant on an external influence to provide what we need, we are slaves.

The term "addict" is not a new word, it is from the 1500s at least. The etymology is to devote or give up oneself to a habit or occupation. And now we have to think about what we are actually devoting ourselves to, because it is moving away from being devoted to the tribe or community, and into the realm of only the self. We are giving ourselves, to ourselves and we are facilitated in doing so, because this behavior is one of the most efficient ways for a corporation to generate wealth. It doesn't matter that it is also one of the most efficient ways to kill society.

What are we marching for?

What should we stand for?

Fat and Skinny - What about healthy?

End of ramble.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I'm not one to support government intervention in much at all, but if I was, what springs to mind as a musician is 'limitation breeds innovation' or 'creativity' if you don't want to rhyme.

With that in mind, if governments restricted enterprises, not by banning certain practices, but by makinig the practices undesirable to human wellbeing increasingly frustrating to accomplish and harder to profit from, some businesses may die out as is natural, but it will be a breeding ground for the minds of innovative folk who can see a way through where profit can come from the wellbeing of the populace - because that is all the government would allow.

The government, to me, is supposed to function as a kind of guard against corporate interests. It's supposed to be the thing that spends money, not makes money. I dunno. I'm no economist - it's too boring.

If I were to march for anything it's to stop this kind of sludge-like merging of corporate and political interests. Separate them like church and state, I reckon.

In the UK, I do at least appreciate that the prime minister's salary is less than that of some store managers in the USA (about $100k), and that they have to go to the queen/king every week to explain & justify their actions to a symbolic higher power, as well as do a weekly political battle with their opponents, face to face, being pummeled with questions and criticism.

Not as effective as I'd hoped, but in principle these three features are fantastically humbling and exact reminders of what the goverment is, a servent for the people, not a boss. serve us

some businesses may die out as is natural, but it will be a breeding ground for the minds of innovative folk who can see a way through where profit can come from the wellbeing of the populace - because that is all the government would allow.

Some businesses should die out, right? I have never understood the "save the industry to keep jobs" when it is a harmful industry.

The government, to me, is supposed to function as a kind of guard against corporate interests. It's supposed to be the thing that spends money, not makes money.

Yet, they do the opposite. They protect business, because it is in their monetary interests to do so.

Politics in Finland is similar, and in Australia. They get paid "well" in terms of an average salary, but nothing fancy.

I see that one of the biggest problems with politics, is party systems. Essentially, the government should only have one party, with members who change depending on needs and qualifications. They should run similarly to a business, except with wellbeing being their "profit" they seek.

Small businesses get drowned by all the preferential treatment towards businesses 'too big to fail', which aren't too big to fail, they just refuse to have them fail b ecause they've become too dependent on them. Just look at how Ireland basically bent over and became an Apple Cuck, literally bending and changing laws specifically for them lol. Come on.

the government should only have one party, with members who change depending on needs and qualifications.

That's an interesting concept. I suppose it's somewhat how dictatorships function, albeit without the voices of the people having any influence

I don't understand why people are bored with economics. I'm very interested. I have been reading economic newspapers since I was 20. It was interesting for me to see global trends and the development of individual enterprises in my country. And today I watch financial and crypto news daily.

I think it speaks to what is interesting for people. Economics is a complex issue with many variables and not a lot of certainty. It possible scares people.

When society the economy (probably more accurate) dies the experts will be completely baffled.

"Where'd "it" (we) go wrong?"

As they get stabbed for the stale bread they were trying to feed their kids.

I doubt that it's ever going to happen...not just "not in our lifetime" 🫠 they even build cars nowadays to break...they want them to break so that the consumer has to spend even more money on parts!

Being on vacation now.... well heck you have no idea how many fatty kids I've seen and the parents are lleading the way!

It's punishing to watch how society has made it okay to be fat...or even too skinny...although that's a much less seen occurance though.

It's punishing to watch how society has made it okay to be fat...or even too skinny...although that's a much less seen occurance though.

Being really skinny takes a lot of dedication and discomfort - it is easier to be fat. :D

Much easier to be fat🤣🤣 it's a damn shame people allow themselves to be pushed so far!

It's a weird way to see society evolve. People eat so much and I have been eating a bit more lately as well. Well, I am not really overweight so it doesn't matter as much to me. However, I do know a lot of people overweight and in a way, it was kind of weird to see social media promote fat models as well. I think I saw some information that most of them ended up dying early as well. Social media has definitely rotted people.

They want models that represent them - so now they have AI so they can make their own. Why use real people?

This reminds me of a phrase in a show I watched, "Healthy is beautiful". It isn't really about being fat or skinny, it's about being healthy. There are some people that have sickness or problems that make them fat or skinny, but at the end of it, as long as they are healthy overall, that's what's important.

On average, being a bit too skinny is healthier than being a bit too fat. Something to do with body function. But, I don't like the idea of making anything that is unhealthy, healthy just because people want it to be - that is not how it works. If there was a profile of what decently healthy is, most of us are not it.

Being overweight is seriously a damage to the body BUT, like when a couple days I was asked "how do you manage to fast one entire day?" I simply answered: "I do not eat for one entire day". That created some laughing in the table, but I wanted to highlight the importance of an aware decision when taking some choices to be more confident and persuaded to carry on that choice.
To create such awareness in the choice, awareness on why making such choice is very important making the people more motivated when pursuing some choices.

I struggle with fasting - It is like my brain works against me to make it seem worse than it is. Perhaps I should start gaming again, because when I was (over a decade ago), I could go for many, many hours without eating or smoking, or doing anything other than gaming.

It’s fun to go in tangential directions like this, I get on conversations with some people like that and what was a 5 minute check in turns into a 35 minute conversation haha. It’s good though because it’s important to have these broad discussions. We need to get away from this hiding and polarizing shit and back to conversations, learning and adjustments in our lives and mental states.

There is far too much incentive to take the short cuts and I think that’s also another issue here. It’s a short cut to just go get fast food for your kid instead of taking time to do meal prep. Don’t sit on the couch and watch some horse shit TV show, get into the kitchen and do meal prep and even include the kids. Let them peel a cucumber or potato, cut up (with kid friendly knives) different veggies or foods. There’s a lot of things we can do better for sure but it is crucial to turn off the distractions.

Comedians tend to be far more relevant than politicians, and generally more political these days. Perhaps that was always the case, but politicians have moved away from "policies" and are instead more interested in celebrity.

Before we start to nail politicians, it is no doubt that we now love celebrities and can go to any length to defend them, so it is not surprising that politicians are becoming celebrities since they usually will want to get re-elected and people prefer to vote for a celebrity than a politician. This same thing applies with CEOs now, as people prefer an Elon Musk behind the screen and camera doing his job than a CEO that isn't a celebrity. For the comedians, they are just doing the check and balance and maybe they intend to become politicians soon. Remember a comedian can say things to politicians that are true but hide under the disguise of politics 🤣🤣🤣

I see overfeeding children as a form of child abuse

Why will someone overfeed a child when there are lots of children that need food. Overfeeding a child is no doubt child abuse and if I were to amend the constitution, it will be a crime liable to 6 months imprisonment.

Obesity is quite complex, and there are a lot of corporations as well as countries are paying heavily to ensure that people are looking the other way because trust me when I say that Obesity causes are driving the economy well.

Economic factors definitely play a part in the general health of kids. It's pretty clear over here that eating bad is a lot less expensive than eating healthy. On top of that, if parents are working low paying jobs just to meet their ends, then they need something to occupy the kids. Child care is expensive so. Devices and TV fills that gap. With little oversight or motivation, outdoor activities become null and void.

Yet, the social media dealers take no responsibility for the many addictions they facilitate.

Here is one more problem. if we post content online we need the people and eyeballs to consume that which means we are also the damage dealers lol. And the problem is with AI taking over we want new generation online or else they will suffer offline hunting jobs. Very few nations in this world would afford to avoid AI and automation and live in dark ages for their citizens benefit.

I won’t lie, I am one of those people who gets bored when it comes to economics. Those things gives me headache including thinking about politics. I prefer to listen to comedy for real
I’ve also been eating too much lately😂

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