Back in my heyday of being a Projects Manager I could have 30 projects on the go and know the status of all of them at any one time.
Now though 🤣 I think I struggle with more than 3 things on the go at any one time lol!
I used to have paper folders stacked up on my organised chaos of a desk and knew exactly where everything was.
It really was a case of there is method in my madness
As some of you will know I do love the cryptoverse and am forever undertaking the participation in incentivised testnets.
The hardest part about them is usually checking the blockchain they are on and who the project leaders are and if the claimed funding is really in place or not to see if it is legit, or as legit as can be in this crazy crypto world of ours!
Consistency is the key
Successful completion of these testnets depends on consistency. You usually need to be completing tasks on a daily basis. Often it only takes you five minutes, but you need to be doing that five minutes everyday!

Just like Hive and so many things in life, it is all about turning up and being consistent about it!
So when we were in town on Saturday at a shop called The Works I spied this on a pile of notebooks.
I just had to get it!
Mrs T was ooh I could use the paperclips to make such and such and use the bulldog clips to do this that and the other!
Paper To Do over Digital To Do!
Call me old school, but if I want to complete something then a to do list needs made, I have always been like that. Mind you I could often keep a To Do list in my head, I certainly was useless when I put a To Do list together digtally.
The problem with digital things is that you need to access them. It is much easier seeing that piece of paper on your desk staring at you saying just do it you fluffing numpty!
A digital lifestyle, yeah I get parts of it, but other parts of my lifestyle sure ain't digital!
So when I showed the weekly planner for £4 to Mrs T she was hell yeah get it, and while you're at it get this ....
... this being a clipboard.
It will stop the papers getting lost or ruined wth coffee was her reasoning.
Well fair enough, you don't argue with a woman when it comes to organisational things, at least in my experience you don't.
So this morning, in between writing this post, having a coffee and watching HUMANS I started to fill in the planner.
It seems weird to track things again on paper.
What is it they say ....
Sometimes to Move Forward, We Have to Go Backward
In a way it reminds me of the words of the late great Martin Luther King, Jr.
My friends, all I’m trying to say is that if we are to go forward today, we’ve got to go back and rediscover some mighty precious values that we’ve left behind.
For me I feel I am back going forward again!
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the new week ahead!
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo 29th July 2024
Haste Ye Back!