Mask for decoration
This mask was initially bought in the craft store to be one of the many DIY projects during the holidays. I figured there would be some cool options to paint and decorate it with things as feathers and other stuff. I always do these things in steps and often I start with a base layer to then let it dry and forget about it for months or just not feeling the right flow to finish it or even continue the project until much later. This is just how my creative brain works, and this mask was no exception.
Black base layer
While the idea was to work with metallic markers and or paint, I decided that the base of the mask should be black because it would have a nice contrast with the metallic markers or paint I was planning on using. The mask was painted black months ago and then placed on one of the top shelves in the living room to not look at it again for all this time.
There's my very own Stick Up Kid, @stickupboys!
Let's have some fun
Now recently I had this fun idea, to put on the mask and see if I could scare my daughter while she was having tutoring lessons. I took the mask and put it on and told my boyfriend to follow me to her room where she was practising one of her classes with the tutor. I knocked on the door and opened it as I normally do saying her name to get her attention so she would look into my direction.
She did and jumped up from her chair with a loud scream. Her tutor, who told me recently that her brother is the same in terms of when she shouts boo or scares him a bit, laughed so loud and could see the humour in this because she showed us a similar video of her brother screaming when she scared him a bit. I told her back then that our daughter can even jump up screaming "you scared me" when we just walk through the hallway or when she opens the door but didn't expect us there.
I'm always saying she's overreacting with her loud screams but sometimes I see she's genuinely shocked and it's her auto response to the situation. I rarely scare her on purpose but this time I saw an opportunity and I wanted to see if she'd be shocked or not, it worked and thankfully, as soon as the shock settled she started laughing just as loud as us three.
I could hear her tutor laugh in the room for some time while we went back inside and couldn't stop laughing. We wished we recorded it but we didn't, it will just stay a funny memory forever now which I felt that I had to capture on chain so we will not forget.
Wearing the mask
After tutoring, she wore the mask herself and could laugh about it. She tried to scare me back, which hasn't worked so far but I can fully imagine that if she does it the same way I did, when I'm 100% focused behind the computer and she opens the door, I will be just as shocked as her that day.
April fools
As today is April fools, I thought it was a funny day to share this story even though it's not an April fools joke.
That gives me the perfect opportunity to inspire you to fool someone today and maybe you can even share your funniest April fools moment in the comment section for a good laugh on my end.
Happy April Fools!
All pictures above are mine...
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