Avocado Smoothie (Jus Alpukat)

in #food4 days ago

Hi Friends!

Monday is here again. I hope this week will be superb for everyone 😊 There's been Aurora sighting since beginning of March, however I have been lazy stepping outside the house to check. When I get up to start my fasting (at 3 AM), I normally would just relax as I don't really go back to sleep after, and then school, and whatnot. So I have been missing northern lights 🥴 In my defense, I need this relax time, as the brain keeps waking me up starting midnight til 2 AM ish, even though I have my alarm set. So if I don't use the time to relax before and after morning meal, I'd get super exhausted later in the day and would feel lazy. Nobody wants that, as nothing would be done 🤭 And I certainly cannot use "I'm fasting so I don't have energy" excuse anymore, as I'm not longer a child 😅


I love this following smoothie since I was little. In Indonesia, we would use chocolate sweetened condensed milk, which is super hard to find and almost non existent actually, here in Canada. If you can find caramel or dulce de leche, you can use it instead chocolate, however, neither is available in my small town, almost never, unless I make it myself, so this one used regular white sweetened condensed milk.


1 c water
5-6 tbsp sugar
4 avocados
1/4 c almond milk
3 c ice cubes
Sweetened condensed milk

Make sugar syrup, by mixing (and boiling if you're not lazy like me) water and sugar in a food processor, until sugar completely dissolve. If you have a powerful blender, add them to the blender instead processing separately.


Drizzle sweetened condensed milk generously on the inside of serving glasses (this recipe makes 2 giant glasses/mugs)


Pour sugar syrup into a blender, add in the rest of the ingredients. Blend until super smooth and creamy.



Pour smoothie into prepared glasses/mugs, serve immediately. If wanted, drizzle more sweetened condensed milk on the smoothie, just before serving.

So good!


I am sure it's a really delicious smoothie, and I especially like the green avocado color! 🙂

If you have chocolate and/or dulce de leche sweetened condensed milk, even better for this smoothie 😊

"I'm fasting so I don't have energy"

I mean you can and it might even be true and sometimes you might just have to allow for that xD

but obviously better if you can mitigate it

My coach has had to ask a couple of her gymnasts that as they are half dead by the time they get to her at the end of the day.

I don't think I've tried avocado in a smoothie and part of me wants to try but part of me feels like I wouldn't like that particular flavour as a drink XD

Ah! I thought this smoothie is known in Malaysia as well! I saw some people posted similar smoothie in Thailand and Vietnam, hence I thought Malaysia would have it as well 😅

They probably do but my mum is not much of a smoothie person so wouldn't have made it while I was growing up, and I was a super fussy kid so I wouldn't have tried it if we'd seen it while hollidaying in Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia because I would have probably thought it looked weird/unappetising (I have seen green smoothies there but due to aforementioned fussiness never bothered finding out what was in them).