Soup Stories #23: Caldo Verde – A Simple and Comforting Green Soup from Portugal / お腹の底から幸せになるポルトガルのカルド・ヴェルデ

in Food & Culture4 days ago (edited)


Portugal, to me, is a country of soups. A lot of restaurants or supermarket eateries offer a "Sopa do Dia" (Soup of the Day) on their menu. About 10 years ago, when I was staying in Lisbon for two weeks for work on a tight budget, the affordable and heartwarming Sopa do Dia was a lifesaver. Even during my trip to Portugal last month, when we had to cancel our hotel due to poor service, we found comfort in a simple pumpkin Sopa do Dia at a eatery. It warmed us up and eased the stress ☺️

Recently, I wrote about Açorda à Alentejana, a traditional soup from Portugal's Alentejo region, in "Soup Stories." That made me want to write about Caldo Verde as well.

Caldo Verde means "green soup" in Portuguese. It’s a potato-based soup with the beautiful green color of kale (or cabbage). Just like Açorda à Alentejana, it’s very simple to make, and that simplicity is part of what makes Portuguese cuisine so charming. It gives me the same comforting feeling as some simple Japanese traditional flavors.

Since I had German cabbage at home, I decided to use the green outer leaves for this recipe. Seeing the fresh green leaves reminded me that spring is around the corner, even though it’s still cold in Germany.


  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Salt
  • Kale ot cabbage
  • Salami (You can substitute with a vegan or vegetarian option. I used tofu sausage this time.)

Ingredients for Caldo Verde


  1. Chop the onion and potato into chunks. Add them to a pot with enough water to cover them and a pinch of salt. Simmer for about 20–30 minutes.
    Cooking the onions and potatoes
  2. While they are cooking, slice the cabbage or kale into thin strips.
    Thinly sliced cabbage
  3. Once the onion and potato are soft, remove from heat and blend.
    Blending the soup
  4. Return to the heat, add the cabbage, cover, and steam for about 2–3 minutes.
  5. Top with salami or a substitute of your choice.

That’s it—your Caldo Verde is ready to serve!

Blending the base and then adding solid ingredients afterward was a new approach for me, and it’s broadened my soup-making skills 💪

You can drizzle some olive oil on top before serving, but the simple, rustic flavor is more than enough to warm you up from the inside out. It’s a perfect dish to enjoy between winter and spring, and you don’t need any special ingredients or techniques. It’s a soup that the whole family can enjoy together.

If you have some fresh green kale or cabbage in your fridge, I highly recommend giving this a try. It’s guaranteed to warm your heart and make you feel happy and satisfied.

🇵🇹 🍲 🇵🇹


ポルトガルは私の中ではスープ大国で、そこここの食堂やスーパーのイートインで「Sopa do Dia」(今日のスープ)というメニューがあります。10年ほど前に仕事で2週間リスボンに滞在していた時には、予算がタイトな中、お値段が手頃でお腹の底からじんわり幸せな気分になるSopa do Diaにお世話になったものです。先月のポルトガル滞在でも、ホテルの対応が悪くて急遽キャンセルしたあとに、ぺこぺこのお腹とストレスを抱えて食堂にかけこんで、Sopa do Diaだったかぼちゃのスープに癒されたりもしました ☺️

先日久しぶりのSoup Storiesでポルトガルのアレンテージョ地方のアショルダ・ア・アレンティジャーナについて書いて、カルド・ヴェルデについても書きたいと思いました。





  1. たまねぎ、じゃがいもを適当な大きさに切って、ひたひたの水に塩少々を加えて20−30分ほど煮ます。
  2. 煮ている間にキャベツを千切りにします。
  3. たまねぎとじゃがいもが柔らかくなったら火から下ろしてブレンダーにかけます。
  4. また火にかけて、きゃべつを入れて蓋をして2-3分蒸し煮にします。
  5. 最後にサラミやかわりのものをトッピングして出来上がり!



Soup Stories

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I have all the ingredients for this soup!

Tofu sausages sound interesting, I will look out for them.

Regular salami slice makes it more Portuguese 😉 Ja, onion, potatoes and cabbage are almost always in my fridge 😁

Looks delicious!!!