Veganuary 2025 Week One: A Gentle Start / ヴェガニュアリー2025 - 1週目の記録

in Food & Culture2 months ago

The Veganuary has started, encouraging participants to go vegan for the month of January. I’m taking part, balancing it with my usual lifestyle to keep things manageable. During the first five days, I attended two New Year gatherings at friends’ places. Out of the 15 meals plus snacks I had 2 non-vegan meals, and of course I enjoyed them fully.

So, what have I been eating? As shown in the pictures below, my meals have been simple and homely. Breakfasts usually consist of bread shared with my family, while lunches and dinners are typically soups, vegetables, and a bit of carbs—nothing fancy, but certainly delicious. Honestly, it’s not much different from how I usually eat.

Miso soup, rice, pickles, and microgreens

Salad and penne with Bolognese-style sauce

Udon with mushrooms and vegetables

One thing I’ve been doing differently is trying out various vegan products. It’s a fun opportunity, and it also gives me ideas for catering and product development.

The vegan butter in the photo below was my favorite from last year’s taste tests. It’s free of trans fats and has become my go-to this year. While it doesn’t taste exactly like traditional butter, it’s close enough to use in cooking, baking, and spreading on bread. Plus, it’s available at most organic stores at a comparable price to butter 👏

My favorite vegan butter

I’ve also been exploring vegan cheeses and hope to make my own during Veganuary. The shredded cheese on the left in the photo below has fewer additives and a decent texture. It doesn’t melt or stretch quite like regular cheese, as I found when using it for pasta toppings and toasted sandwiches, but I’m curious to try it on pizza next.

A selection of vegan cheeses

The other two cheeses in the photo have more additives. The Camembert was my second favorite—it had a decent flavor. The mozzarella, on the other hand, wasn’t bad but felt more like a white jelly than cheese. Maybe that gummy-cheese texture is just hard to replicate. Although their appearances are quite close to the original ones. I’m excited to see how vegan cheeses evolve in the coming years.

Vegan Camembert close-up

Full vegan Camembert

Lunch with vegan Camembert and mozzarella

Since I’m usually a vegetarian leaning towards vegan, cooking vegan meals at home hasn’t been a challenge. However, I feel hungry more quickly. In Germany, it’s dangerously easy to grab vegan treats at cafés and organic shop bakeries ... 😅

Vegan apple cake at a cafe

Croissant, chocolate cookies sandwich ...

To resist the temptation of buying snacks, I bought an orange and plan to bake cantuccini tomorrow. I have my own recipe I shared already on Hive two years ago.

Cantuccini Obsession

Today marks the start of the second week of Veganuary, and it’s also Meatless Monday. Why not join me for a meal, a day, a week, or even the remaining 26 days of January? You might discover something new and delightful!

Wishing you all a wonderful start to your week!




















Cantuccini Obsession



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