There have been many prepping channels on ThemTube. Many prepping blogs. Many prepping how-to's.
Preparing for a SHTF situation.
Well, it is too late to prepare.
Not only is the end times (and the new beginning) already upon us, the whole idea of having enough stored away to ride it out until things go back to normal is faulty. It will be at least 50 years before there is something we would call normal.
The world is changing, we have to change and adapt with it. Having preps, having stored food, will be good, and helpful. But these are only to help get you across the worst times. We have to start thinking about, how will we feed our family and friends when there is no grocery store? We have to think about how we will have electricity when there is no electric grid.
We can no longer think about having a year's worth of food, and 50 gallons of diesel and a generator. What we are facing is not a "just need to survive" for a little while thing. This is going to be our new life.

Having preps is good
I am not saying that having a years worth of food stored up is bad. In fact, when grandma used grow a garden and can things for the winter, she had at least a years supply of food. Food really only grows once a year. Having food stored up will mean the difference in being okay during a storm or a riot, and being one of those rioters hoping to get some food before the store is cleaned out.
Having a generator and extra fuel is great, during any disaster. They are great for any short term break in power. However, you can't store enough fuel to power the generator for a decade. And the generator might not last that long either.
You really need a garden. Storing seeds is great, but they really do not feed you. We are waiting for societal collapse, and then we will plant a garden. But, now is the best time to start a garden. A garden does not produce as well its first year, as it does the next years. You need time to get the micro-biology growing in your garden beds. It is time to start getting fertilizers into the soil. The best place to store seeds is in a growing garden, where many more seeds will be produced with each crop.
Having preps is good, but do not kid yourself. This societal collapse, and all the other collapses, and the rebuilding, will take decades. So, be sure to have enough food to tide you over, but also start moving your life to a one where you are very self sufficient.

The War on Meat / You Will Eat Ze Bugz
We don't see the war on meat, they aren't out to ban meat (yet). But, if you listen, so many commercials and TV stories are about how eating meat is harmful to the environment. That going vegetarian is good for the planet.
There are also a lot of problems happening with meat processing plants, and cattle raising operations. It seems like one after another. This place blew up. That place decided to hire illegals, instead of citizens. Another burned down.
The prices for meat in supermarkets is much higher. Inflation is really hitting meat hard. And there seems to be less meat in the store than usual.
The mother WEFers have plans for you to stop eating meat. They want you weak and sick. So, it will be no meat for you, and eat your bugz.
So, knowing this, you will want to start growing your own meat, or making deals with people who grow animals to get a supply. T.H.E.Y. will not quit until they are stomped out of our existence. We don't have the choice of just waiting it out. To survive until the supermarkets come back. If we want meat in our future diets, then we are going to have to make it part of our plans to do it ourselves.
Further, Billy Gatez is planning to inject meat with mRNA VAXXX, so if you don't want that, you are really going to have to raise livestock yourself. (and maybe never let the meat out of your sight)

Things Are Changing
Everything is changing. All the bigs are collapsing. Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Banks… and Govern-cement are all going to fall into dust.
On top of this, we are entering an ice-age. With lots of earth changing natural disasters that go along with that.
Plus, we have a lot of pent up rage, all over the earth. And this will lead to border skirmishes and civil wars everywhere. The lines on the map will be completely changed.
If you see all of this coming, do you think your one years worth of food is going to carry you across this?
And these are just most of the big changes. There are more, like weather pattern changes. Social changes. Migration (of people) changes. Cities are going to crumble, or drown. Small communities are going to form everywhere.
We will see the rise of cryptos and the fall of fiat currency. Basically, how we live life is just going to change. All of it.

Being prepared for societal collapse was a neat exercise. However, the people that are really looking good right now are those who started homesteads.
We had this idea that societal collapse would be quick, and then things would get back to normal. But, they are being anything but quick. The dollar has been dying for a decade now. Home prices were way too high, and now they are even higher. That bubble should have popped.
We are really looking at 50 years, a half a century before things might be considered normal again.
So, it is too late to prepare (to just have preps). Now is the time to start making life changes.