Eating Buddha Harvest-Style Dish and Mochi
I recently bought a can of water chestnuts, which my husband spotted on the top shelf at our local supermarket. It was next to the canned bamboo shoots, which I also picked up. A few days ago, I used the bamboo shoots to make Japanese mixed rice called Takikomi-Gohan the other day.
When I found the water chestnuts, I had already decided to cook one of my favorite dishes, Buddha Harvest, which I usually order from a local Chinese restaurant. This dish contains a variety of vegetables, such as broccoli, onions, bean sprouts, carrots, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, and either water chestnuts or baby corn.
I love water chestnuts because of their amazing texture. Every time I order takeout from the local Chinese restaurant, I include Buddha Harvest in my order. It's starchy and incredibly tasty. Since I’ve had it so many times, I can remember the exact flavor!
Sliced water chestnuts are such an interesting food. They are aquatic vegetables with a crunchy texture and slightly sweet taste. They’re rich in fiber, antioxidants, and potassium, which support digestion and heart health. They also help with hydration due to their high water content. Despite their name, they are not nuts and are safe for those with nut allergies.
They pair so well with Chinese dishes!
1 carrot
1 onion
½ package of bean sprouts
½ Chinese cabbage
3–4 mushrooms
Seafood mix (optional)
1 can of water chestnuts
Salt and pepper to taste
2 teaspoons Chinese chicken stock (or vegetable stock for a vegetarian version)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sake
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon sugar
Shichimi pepper to taste
2 teaspoons katakuri starch mixed with water
2 teaspoons sesame oil
Cooking time is about 20 minutes, including preparation.
How to Cook Buddha Harvest Dish
This dish is very simple to make, just chop the vegetables into bite-sized pieces! Traditionally, Buddha Harvest is a vegetarian dish, so I labeled mine as Buddha Harvest-Style since I included seafood. If you're vegetarian, simply omit the seafood and use vegetable stock instead of chicken stock.
- After preparing the vegetables, heat a pan and add sesame oil.
- Add the seafood mix (if using) and all the vegetables.
- Stir-fry until the vegetables are cooked through.
- Add all the seasonings.
- Pour in the katakuri starch mixture to thicken the sauce.
- Stir well, and it’s ready to serve!
I enjoyed mine with white rice, some boiled vegetables, and boiled fish. It was delicious! I think it turned out a bit sweet because I added sugar this time. If you prefer a less sweet flavor, I recommend reducing the amount of sugar and mirin. Overall, it tasted almost exactly like the Buddha Harvest from my favorite Chinese restaurant!
After the meal, I had strawberry mochi! In Japan, we have a famous mochi ice cream called Yukimi Daifuku. It’s usually vanilla-flavored ice cream wrapped in a thick layer of mochi (rice cake).
The name Yukimi means "observing snow," while Daifuku refers to a popular Japanese rice cake stuffed with sweet bean paste and whipped cream.
I've wanted to try this strawberry mochi for a long time. It was sitting in the freezer section at the supermarket, right next to the ice cream boxes. It was pretty good, but I still prefer the vanilla flavor!
Japanese 日本語
にんじん 1本
たまねぎ 1個
もやし 1袋の半分
白菜 半分
きのこ 3−4個
塩こしょう 少々
鶏がらスープの素 こさじ2(ベジタリアンの方は野菜だし)
しょうゆ 大さじ2
料理酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
さとう 大さじ1
七味 少々
水溶き片栗粉 小さじ2
ごま油 小さじ2
Thank you for reading!