Spicy Food
Do you often eat spicy food? As for me, I don’t prefer extremely spicy food, but I do enjoy a bit of spice. Hot spices bring a flavorful joy, just not too much! A moderate amount of spice can also be beneficial for our health.
We have a long history of the spice trade all over the world. One of my favourite spices is red chilli. Recently, I found a spicy chilli crisp at the local supermarket and had been curious about it for a long time. Since I had never tried it before, I finally decided to buy it and used it to cook a Halal-style dish with ground chicken and vegetables.
I chopped leeks, ginger, and garlic into small pieces, such a perfect, healthy, and flavorful combination! I often use all of them in my cooking.
I simply cooked these ingredients in sesame oil for a while. When I covered the pan with a lid, they steamed and softened nicely, making it effortless to get everything tender. That’s why I love steam cooking!
Finally, I added soy sauce and the spicy chilli crisp about three to four scoops of chilli crisp and two tablespoons of soy sauce. You can adjust the amount to your spice preference. For me, four scoops gave just the right level of heat.
By the way, I used fresh garlic, so the dish turned out super garlicky! Be careful if you have an important meeting afterward… you might end up spreading some serious garlic breath!
I also made a bamboo topping called Menma (メンマ) in Japanese. Menma is seasoned bamboo shoots commonly used as a topping for ramen, fried rice, and other dishes.
Back in Japan, I used to buy Menma from the supermarket, but since I couldn’t find it in my area, I made my own, and it turned out delicious!
And that’s it! A simple, easy, and tasty meal. I served it with boiled beans and bean sprouts on the side.
Japanese 日本語
Thank you for reading!