Given the ridiculous amount of beetroots I'd just harvested, Jamie suggested we make borscht.
"Or I could meet beetroot soup" I said contrarily.
"Yes, borscht", he said, thinking he was clever.
"No, beetroot soup" I said, splattering beetroot on my top like a boss idiot. To me, the Russian or Ukrainian beetroot soup was heartier, using beef stock and likely beef. I wasn't doing that. I was making a more delicate, healthier garden soup.
That meant roasting beetroot along with zucchini from the garden, to bring out the flavour. I also added some freshly seeded coriander seeds, fennel seeds, and a good sprinkling of cummin. Once nearly roasted, I added some spring onions too.
Then it was just about blending it with some vegetable stock to make it the desired thickness. I had some liquid stock I'd picked up for free from the Food is Free stall. But here's the kicker - I then added two big tablespoons of miso, balancing out the flavour and adding a nice kick of umami.
So. Bloody. Good.
I'm also a big, big fan of toppings on soup, so on went a good dollop of greek yoghurt, and some finely chopped garden greens - silverbeet, lovage, parsley - plus some fennel flowers, fennel tops, calendula petals, a fine sprinkle of chilli and some black onion seeds.
Served with seedy bread (which I'll talk about another day) it really was next level.
"This is better than borscht I reckon" says Jamie. Of course it is. It's my beetroot soup.
With Love,
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