It's not always that I eat shawarma, but when I crave it, I want it with rice instead of wrapped in a pita or tortilla. I'm not really sure what the wrapper was called, but it's some kind of flat bread made with flour, I think. Then the beef shawarma will be wrapped in it together with slices of tomato, onions, and cucumber and with their special sauce. I already tried this before, a very long time ago. It was a treat from my ex, lol. I like it, sure, but not as much as I like it when paired with rice. Seriously, anything can go well with rice, do you agree? Hehe.
Anyways, I had shawarma rice at a different time and shop, I was with Mama and my Mommy F then. And it's Mommy F's first time eating it, and she said she likes it.

So this one is when I'm with Mama. We went to the plaza, but the real reason I want to go there was because I really want to eat something. My mouth is just craving food that I haven't had in a long time. And I chose Shawarma Rice because it's really been a long time since then. The food stall was called Taz Shawarma Rice. I noticed that there are people lining up in here, so we thought their shawarma must be really good.

For their price, it's not that expensive, the shawarma rice is 60 pesos only, and the shawarma in a wrap is 50 and 60 pesos, that's small and large. Most people are buying that, though, than that with rice. They also have the spicy and not spicy flavor. I already had a spicy shawarma before, and it's the best. It balanced the taste of the shawarma with the sauce. But I got the non-spicy version this time because it is bad for my nose, Mama chose the same.

And here's our order, we just bought a pineapple juice to pair with it. The taste is good, it is not too sweet, unlike some shawarma I had before. And the tomato, cucumber, and onions are really good to eat with it. It is too saucy, but thanks to the cucumber, its taste is really good. Ahhh, seeing this made me crave it right now, aigooo.

And here's our amazing view while eating our Shawarma Rice. Such a lovely view to enjoy any foods.

So here's the other food stall we visited. This time I'm with Mommy F. It was the night of Christmas, and then after roaming around the park, Mom suddenly craved for a food. So I suggested Beef Shawarma Rice. We tried different food stalls, because why not? This one was called Astar Tea House. And yeah, it's not just shawarma that they sell but also drinks. But we didn't buy any drink, just the shawarma rice. The waiting time on their stall is kind of long because they have a lot of customers.

And after like 4 minutes, finally, it's eating time. It's different from the first one, no, the first one has more color in it, while this one is really plain. But I like it more this way, simple but delicious. It's not a saucy one, unlike the first one, but it's really flavorful too, and I love the crunch of their cucumber. We get the plain rice this time, whilethe first one is with Java rice. This one is much cheaper compared to the other one because we choose the plain rice. And Mom really enjoyed it. This two occasion is really fun for me, i'm excited so excited to have this kind of fun food trip with them again. Wish we could do this again soonest (ʘᴗʘ✿).
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