When it's downright pouring outside all I could do was finally get to some of the tasks I've had on hold.
Lemons and Limes
First in line was to preserve the large bags of lemons and limes my husband purchased. We both put lemon in our water during the day and it is nice to just put a slice in from the freezer.
First I zest the lemons and limes before slicing and placing them on trays to freeze. It's nice to have the zest on hand for different recipes when I need it.
A full tray of lemons...
A full tray of limes... I put them into the freezer for 24 hours before storing them in containers. Whenever we get another glass of water all we do is grab a slice and enjoy. It sure is easier than making a mess every time we want a slice. Plus, the added benefit is we never run out. ;-)
The cookie jar was getting low and a rainy day was the perfect time to bake. I put on some Alan Jackson country songs while the cookies were baking.
I always enjoy making cookies as it is very relaxing to me.
Dehydrating Cabbage Leaves
I trimmed off some of the lower leaves from the cabbage growing in the raised bed. I needed to give the onions a little more room to receive some sunshine. I chopped the leaves into small chunks and put them into the dehydrator. Once they were dry I powdered them in the blender and put them into a glass jar. I will add them to different recipes for extra nutrition.
Turkey For Dinner
I had a turkey leg and wing that I had been wanting to cook. I put some dried herbs from the garden and a few onion and lemon slices on top for extra zest.
It is a simple way to use up some of the meat from the holidays that I had frozen.
Between the cookies and the turkey cooking, the house smelt amazing. All that was left to do was make some mashed potatoes and thaw some squash and dinner was done.
All-in-all it was a productive day in the kitchen. Tomorrow is to be sunny again and I will be back out in the gardens.
Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day