Hello everyone, Zak here from an extremely hot Cape Town, South Africa.
Today was a scorcher (for Cape Town) running up to 34-35C for a good long 6-7 hour bake! Consistent heat that just did NOT want to die down. We needed to wait for 8pm for the sun to finally set and the Temperature to drop below 30C!
Anyway, its been a long while since I have posted about me doing something in the kitchen! I had the inspiration to do something fun: The Meatza!
So, you could go very fancy with your meatzas, but this is a very simple one.
You will need the following:
- Mince or Sausage (I used sausage)
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Whatever topping you want!
- I went with tomato, green pepper and onion
Since there is meat in the base... the base IS the meat... you don't NEED to add meat. But if you wanted to add something like Bacon or Pepperoni... you really cannot miss with this one!
So let's get into it!
Step 1:
Get your ingredients together. That is far too many tomatoes. I only sliced one or two of them and ended up with lots left over!
Step 2:
If you are using sausage, squeeze out the filling into a bowl. If its just mince, put that into the bowl. This has to be fresh mince of course.
You can now add salt and spices to your liking BUT - do remember that sausage comes with its own spices too! So do not add too much salt!
Step 3:
Add some eggs.
Now the quantity of eggs being added to your mix really depends on two things: the volume of the mince mix and the size of the eggs.
For this batch of 800g-1kg I added 4x Medium sized eggs. The store sells mediums as the smallest size on the shelf.
You add egg to make the meatza bind and you really have to go overboard to add too much egg. You can, however, easily put in too few in which case your meatza will collapse!
Step 4:
Mix it all up. All you need to do is wash your hands and then get in there and mix it all together. If this was a restaurant then you'd wear gloves of course.
Step 5:
Coat your pan in something to prevent sticking. Take a ball of the meatza mix and squish it flat on the pan. Not bake this in the oven and flip it when you see it cooked through one side. This all depends on how your oven works!
Step 6:
Take the mostly cooked through meatza base out the oven and over it with cheese and your toppings. Put it back into the oven and bake till the cheese is melted or browned as is your choice!
Here are the kid's Meatzas!
Last time I made a meatza, I made a massive thing and then cut it into Pizza style slices. This time, I decided to make it simple and give each person their own Meatza.
The Kids are happy with their portions! These things are 100 times more filling than a pizza with a dough base!
Kids getting stuck in!
Meatzas for myself and @clairemobey!
Thank you for reading this post! I will try be on the Foodies Bee Hive a bit more often and try make something yum at least once a week, even if it is a humble meal! 😀