It was only 11 days ago that we were Restoring Precious Vote Weights but here we are again with a Voting Power lingering in the low 70% range and threatening to drop into the 60s. This isn’t where we want our Voting Power to be and while it’s great to see that the drop off in post rate from our authors the other week was just an anomaly, it’s time to re-adjust.

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I thought last time we reduced the Vote Weights by 10% it was a fairly soft approach but this time I’ll go even softer to drop it by just 5%. We can consider it a step in the right direction without the risk of us maxing out at 100% on a slow posting day. Configuring Precious optimally is a bit of a balancing act and so she will likely need tweaks like this from time to time as our membership grows and our author behaviors change.
I will try to write up a post about any changes I make, but its better if people know where to find the information quickly without having to trawl back through my blog. If you ever need to check the Vote Weights configured for Precious just go into the SGS Discord and look up the #hive-tiers-and-upvote-percentages channel. There are a couple of messages pinned there that you can easily reference for the latest information.