Hello Hivers! Yesterday was a painful scenario in my country and today I wake up with a very sad feeling because of the arrest of former president in my country. I'm with my kids and my husband can't go home for a week because they are in heightened alert. In order to release this grief of mine, I wake up early and keeping myself busy.
Today, I don't have the interest to do my exercise so I just wash my face with my favorite kojic soap in order to refresh myself. Then I go back to my bedroom to fix it. Pile the blankets and pillows.
Then I go outside and bring one of the bed foam. This is my way to eliminate fungi or any bacteria in the bed since it can't be washed by water so I just let it heated under the sun. It will stay there for 3 to 4 hours.
After cleaning the bedroom, I then prepare breakfast. I just pre heat the leftover rice and fish. I put venigar, salt, pepper and additional water to boil.
Then before eating it's really our habit to pray. And my kids are diligent when it comes to praying, washing hands and sitting on the chairs. We enjoyed our breakfast today.
After eating I let my kids play in the living room with their toy cars and I'm here in the bathroom washing our clothes.
We don't have washing machine so I worked on it manually. After washing clothes we did take a bath and I prepare lunch. The soured fish at the breakfast I turned it into fried fish. I also fried some tomatoes and a dried fish. Then I prepare ketchup for my kids because that was their favorite, chili garlic and venigar with chili for me.
Yesterday's dinner i don't have an apetite. But today I'm trying my best so I can gain energy. That's all for today hivers. I hope you're having a great day. I just hope and pray that the problem in my country will be solved immediately in a peaceful way. I'm really afraid of wars as my kids are very young and it can ruin their future.