The entrance fee of this place cost 20 Pesos each and inside of the site are different kinds of structures, landscapes and wonderful views. First is this A-frame structures, it is made of light materials like Nipa as rooftop including its walls coated with natural color of varnish to make it shinny. Each structure is also coated with paints to make it more attractive and the ground filled with bermuda grass and some landscapes were lots of flowers placed.
The entire place particularly the Ground contains lots of bermuda grass, landscapes and few coconut trees. The fruits are already harvested so tourist can be safe from falling coconuts especially the children. Colorful flaglettes and few solar lights are also installed inside of the site so it will shine the place every evening. Aside of that, few big hardwood native trees like Mahogany and molave trees also grows in here at it gives a shady and cool areas. Tourists can spend a day and night here by sleeping at the A-frame houses or doing camping trips to the ground by using family tents. This site is near at the coastal areas of Manticao that is why it is also perfect to do camping near at the coast and watch the sunset or night swimming.
Lots of wonderful landscapes built inside of the place and different kinds of ornamental and flowering plants placed.Big stones are properlt placed on each side of the landscapes that serve as a wall so the soil wont be washed out everytime when there is a heavy rain. Those big stones are painted with different kinds of colors and the landacapes are formed in different kinds of shapes like oval, rectangular shapes, and even square were lots of ornamental plants can be seen and found. There are also some landscapes that formed into letter and it formed the name of the place coated with colorful paints and ornamental plants to make it really more attractive.
Reception Halls and waiting sheds are also built at the place and it is very unique used for different kinds of occasions like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Meetings and Weddings. Tourists and visitors can eat their lunch or snacks here and taking a rest after swimming to the sea water. There are also bonsai plants placed on each side of the structures and painted with colorful materials to make it more attractive.
This fascinating long pathways made of bricks are truly attractive because of its design. It helps for those who want to visits to walk easily without getting muddy and dusty. This long pathways leads to the structures like reception hall, A-frame houses and waiting sheds. Each side of the pathways are different kinds of flowering plants and a landscapes placed and designed. Some solar lights also installed and colorful paints coated on some bricks.
Visiting Gasa Resort and Camping site is perfect specially summer season, those who loves camping trips this place is perfect fit. Thank you for stopping by to my post, have a safe travel to everyone.