The etiological agents of the most important food-borne diseases (Part I: BACTERIA)

Photo by CDC

Hello plant based foodies, wherever you are in the world and the galaxy!

Last week we started a series of educational posts, which we consider important for all people, vegan or not. On that occasion we talked about Foodborne Diseases; and today we want to address in a very specific way, the etiological agents or causal agents of this type of diseases.


An etiological agent is the microorganism or substance that causes a disease. In the case of foodborne diseases, both the etiological agents and the main diseases are very diverse. The etiological agents include Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Fungi and Toxins. Today we will look at the most common bacteria:

BACTERIA: The most common are Salmonella, Campylobacter and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Listeria, Vibrio cholerae. Let's see the mode of infection and the consequences that each of them causes in the human body:

  • Salmonella: It is usually transmitted through eggs, milk and meat of animal origin. It generates salmonellosis which is expressed in fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which can be very serious and even fatal.

  • Campylobacter: The infection is caused by the ingestion of raw or poorly pasteurized milk, raw or undercooked meat, and unpurified water. It also causes fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which can be fatal.

  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: Contagion is due to the ingestion of unpasteurized milk, undercooked meat, contaminated water and consumption of fruits and vegetables infested by the bacteria, which occurs because they have been irrigated with gray water. or with black water. The symptoms are more serious: Acute bloody diarrhea that can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome, that is, kidney disease is generated, which damages the kidneys irreversibly. The progress of this disease is very aggressive, with high mortality rates.

  • Listeria : Although it is less common, it is transmitted through unpasteurized dairy products, and also through already prepared, already cooked foods. It has the peculiarity that it grows even when the food is refrigerated, which makes it especially dangerous. It produces listeriosis, with symptoms similar to those previously mentioned. In vulnerable age groups, such as infants, children and the elderly, it can be fatal. It also causes abortions.

  • Vibrio cholerae: Causes cholera, it can be acquired through the consumption of non-potable water, fish and shellfish, vegetables, fruits, etc. The symptoms of cholera are: Abdominal cramps, vomiting and very profuse watery diarrhea, which can cause dehydration of the individual and death.


As you can see, whether you are vegan or not, whether or not you consume products of animal or plant origin, bacteria are pathogens that can be present in practically all foods and water. It is up to you to take hygiene and proper food handling measures to avoid suffering from one of these very serious diseases as much as possible.


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Tener conocimientos sobre la manipulación de alimentos es vital para nuestra salud. Muchas de esas bacterias son muy peligrosas, algunas mortales. Yo tuve una de ellas, Escherichia coli, gracias a Dios no dañó mis riñones y la pude exterminar con el tratamiento que cumplí al pie de la letra. Saludos.

El conocimiento y la información es poder, y en este caso específico, es poder para tener una salud óptima. Muchas veces las personas piensan que lo que no se ve, no existe, y por ende, no puede dañarnos, nada más lejano a ello.

La falta de información respecto a los peligros de las bacterias y microorganismos en general, y la carencia de hábitos de higiene y de buen manejo de los alimentos, causan muchas enfermedades, que pueden resultar mortales aunque son prevenible.

Lamento que hayas contraído esa terrible bacteria, afortunadamente pudiste tratarla a tiempo, aunque no siempre se puede eliminar, porque se ha tornado resistente a los antibióticos, razón por la que sólo puede aplicarse tratamiento de soporte.

Muchas gracias por pasar a leer este post. Saludos @hylene74

Oh my! This is very educating and a source of awareness to all , especially as many that consumes vegetables and fruits, water 💦 another very important need for all humans.

Thanks @plantpoweronhive for the introduction of this series. We keep learning everyday.

All foods, vegan or not, can be a source of contamination, and as you can read in the post, even drinking water. That is why it is very necessary for people to have information and acquire hygiene habits and correct food handling. Thank you for reading, I hope this information is useful to you. Greetings @sunshine29

More than useful dear @sirenahippie. It’s important awareness of this kind is constantly made available for reading.

Thanks for all you do for hivers and members of @plantpoweronhive . Blessings.

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