My son's birthday and Asahi Super Dry / 長男の誕生日とアサヒスーパードライ

in BEER4 months ago



I would like to join @detlev 's The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 386. Thanks for hosting this weekly event!

To celebrate my elder son's birthday, we went to Shabuyo in Kitasenju. At first, he requested “Bubba Gump Shrimp” in Tokyo Dome City, but due to a baseball game on that day, the restaurants nearby were not accepting reservations, and even if we went there, there was a possibility that we might not be able to get a table due to heavy crowds. So we decided to go to “Shabuyo” because we thought it would be better to have a relaxing meal nearby.

Shabuyo is a well-known chain restaurant in Japan run by the SKYLARK GROUP, and it features a wide variety of self-service desserts (ice cream, waffles, etc.).

I guess my elder son's goal was dessert. I had no objection, as I would have been happy anywhere as long as I could have a beer.

To my surprise, alcohol as well as juices were served in the form of a drink bar. Although there was a time limit, it meant that you could drink as much beer as you wanted! The only beer available was Asahi Super Dry, and I want to write about this brand this week for #BeerSaturday.

When a beer mug is set on the draft beer server shown in the photo and a button is pressed, draft beer is automatically poured. The mug and glass are tilted at an angle to create just the right amount of foam.

“Asahi Super Dry” is a popular beer in Japan and is always sold at supermarkets, convenience stores, and everywhere you go. However, to tell you the truth, I have never bought it myself. As a beer novice, I always chose beer based on the design of the bottle or can, so I never put the simple silver can of Asahi Super Dry in my cart.

I thought “Asahi Super Dry” was clear, unctuous, and quite easy to drink. No wonder people who are strong drinkers and beer lovers say about Super Dry, “I can drink this forever. Since it was an all-you-can-drink event, I was planning to drink a lot, but two was my limit within the 80-minute time limit. In fact, I am not a strong drinker, so my eyes were already starting to roll after the first drink😅

My elder son is now 12 years old. Since last year, he has been spending more time with his friends, and there are moments when I feel that he has grown up without realizing it, or that he is a different person from when he was little. It's growing up.

Well, the way he greedily eats four small bowls of ice cream for dessert is the same as when he was little😂

On the way home, we bought birthday cakes at a cake shop in the nearest station.

Beer lovers (or everyone interested in beer), why don't you join #BeerSaturday hosted by @detlev? Post about a beer you enjoyed and interact with the folks in the community. If you win a prize, you'll be rewarded and hopefully get some money for beer for the following week😉


detlevさんのThe #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 386に参加します。毎週の開催に感謝です!









ビール好きの皆さん(またはビールに興味のある皆さん)、@detlev さんの主催する#BeerSaturdayに参加してみませんか?飲んだビールについて投稿して、ゆる〜く交流しましょう。入賞すると報酬を貰えて、うまくいけば翌週のビール代が手に入るかもしれません😉

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The color scares me :)

Beer color?🍺

Well, yes, this is a beersaturday post, isn't it? ;)

Oh, yes. I asked if perhaps you thought the cityscape photo was scary😂

Happy birthday to your son! My oldest will soon be 12 too, in just 2 months. Time flies, eh?

Oh, your son is in the sixth grade too. Yeah time really does fly by.
They'll be adults in no time, I'm sure 😢







ちょっと笑ってしまいました。Beer Saturday恐るべし🤣 私も同じようなことを言ってます。


私はBeer Saturdayのためだけに飲み続けているのですが、徐々に美味しく感じるようになってきました。やっぱりおそるべし!