It's been a pretty crazy last few days for me. Life just seems to have a way of rushing at you a million miles a minute. In fact, for reasons I will get into in a little bit, I didn't even access HIVE at all yesterday. That's not entirely uncommon on weekends, but in this case, I was just too busy.
If you have been following me for any amount of time, you probably already know that I enjoy food. If you do follow my blog, it probably looks like @mrsbozz and I eat out a whole lot more than we actually do. There are occasional times life gets in the way of us eating a responsible meal at home, but more often than not, my wife plans and crafts some pretty fantastic meals to keep us healthy and on the straight and narrow.
This past week as I said, had a few more misses than hits if you are keeping track of the calories. I'll definitely have to spend some extra time on the treadmill to make up for it.

It all started on Wednesday when the junior high where I work was having a fundraiser cookie sale. Instead of having a bunch of already busy moms and dads bake the cookies for the kids to sell, they decided to purchase them from the popular chain Crumbl and then resell them for $5.00 a piece. That might seem like a lot of money (it actually is), but the cookies usually go for like $3 or $4 a piece anyway, so they probably only made a profit of about $1 on each one. Maybe a little more, they might have gotten a quantity discount.

If you have never had a cookie from Crumbl before, they are pretty special. First of all, they are huge, second, they probably have enough sugar in them they could put a horse in a coma. I'm not kidding, my inlaws actually divide their cookies into quarters and eat them that way. If you ate a whole one in one sitting you would likely go into diabetic shock even if you don't have diabetes. Especially the ones with buttercream frosting like the one above.
In fact, I think they actually make special cutters you can buy for Crubml cookies to divide them up easier. You will be happy to know, I didn't eat this one all in one sitting. I really didn't my worker to find me passed out on the floor, so I paced myself. This was the only one I bought too. At $5 a pop I felt I did my best to support the kids without going overboard.

This one is actually kind of healthy for you, but if you ever seen these Oh Snap! Pickles in the store, I highly recommend you pick them up. They are usually pretty reasonably priced when they go on sale.
They have a variety of flavors, but my favorite ones are the "Sassy Bites". They are a little sweet, a little hot, they just hit really hard. My niece introduced me to these pickles when we were traveling together in Colorado. We have been picking them up off and on at the store ever since.
Of course, if you can make your own pickles, those are probably just as good. If you don't have the materials, time, or ambition, these are pretty suitable replacements.

Thursday night was a late one for @mrsbozz and I. She had a school event that kept her up at work until 6 PM, and I had a bunch of running to do as well was a physical therapy appointment for my shoulder. We ended up getting sandwiches from a local place that I failed to get any photos of. That's not the point of this section though. As we were getting ready for bed my phone happend to go off with a text alert.
I quickly glanced at it and saw it was my friend @a4xjeeper. I went on doing what I was doing without reading the text right away. @mrsbozz asked who it was and I said it was my friend. She asked what he wanted and I said he probably wants to see if I can go get fish with him on Friday night. Without hesitating @mrsbozz said "go!".
Sure enough, that's exactly what the text was.
Although neither of us are Catholic, my friend and I try to hit some of the local fish fries during Lent. Unfortunately, since Covid, many of the places that used to hold the buffet style fries don't do them anymore. We ended up heading to a small bar in a small town that I had visited once a long long time ago, but my friend had never been to.
It was packed at 6:45 on a Friday night and I am happy to say my friend and I got the last two plates of perch that they had available. It's funny how quick a bar clears out when they run out of fish on a Friday night during Lent!

Finally, that brings us to yesterday. My wife and I drove down to Tiffin, OH to pick up our great niece and bring her home for the night while our oldest niece (her mom) goes to class on Monday before coming up to spend the week with us in Michigan.
We had retrieved "the package" (our great niece) and were heading home when @mrsbozz let me know that she needed me to stop so she could burp the 4 month old baby. I pulled off the expressway just past Hartland, MI and stopped at a Mobil gas station right off the expressway I figured I could get gas while she was burping the baby and then maybe run in the store and grab a snack.
My wife had mentioned the mozzarella sticks they had advertised on the side of the building looked good. Then I was pumping gas and the video screen that they have on pumps now was playing a video highlighting the fried chicken at some restaurant. It wasn't until I was almost done pumping that I realized the fried chicken was at the gas station.
I went inside and picked up a three piece chicken tender meal and an order of the mozz sticks for us to share.
I know, I know, gas station food is usually pretty sketch, but this was actually really good! I ate one tender and one mozz stick and I saved the rest of the chicken and the blueberry biscuit for my lunch today. The leftover mozz sticks @mrsbozz will probably share with me later in the week.
Needless to say, if I am ever in the area again and feeling peckish, I won't hesitate to stop at this gas station and get some fried chicken!
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