Got a new yogurt maker to make the L reuteri probiotic. #UltimateHealth
Seems there are few "good bacteria" that live in the upper GI tract ( stomach, duodenum & small intestine,) L reuteri is one probiotic that does.
Dr William Davis, Has brought this info about lack of L reuteri in our upper Gi tract to light.
Check out this video >>
I bought the L reuteri in capsule form to
start the yogurt, I used 2 capsules to make sure it took. I used whole milk but was told half & half would make it real thick and creamy.
It came out real good except for one jar that somehow had liquid separation with the fermentation.
Needed to buy this yogurt maker because the temperature can be adjusted. This probiotic needs to be heated at 99 degrees Fahrenheit for 36 hours. The regular yogurt is about 110 to 115 degrees for 8 or more hours.
The "Ultimate Probiotic Yogurt Maker" has 8 glass jars, where as my old one have plastic ones. Web site for Maker >> also on Amazon //